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Thread: mass for chest

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2001

    Exclamation mass for chest

    im looking to gain some more mass in my chest and i wanted to know what would do that better dumbs or bar bench press...also how many reps should i be getting out in how many sets...thankx to whoever helps

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    When i added flys to my chest workout i noticed a difference almost immediately, As for the sets, i go 6-8 to failure each set. Ime dumbs will be more effective the just barbell due to the fact that you get more range of motion, i use barbell for warm-ups.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    i do flat bench 10 sets counting warmups with reps going from 16-20 warmups to 8 reps work set,2- 5rep work sets and usually a 3 rep work set and sometimes a burn out set
    thats usually all i do, sometimes i do a couple sets of flys and very occas. i do inclines

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Austin, Texas
    Neither dumbbells or barbells will give you mass in your chest, its all about shocking your chest, giving it something new. Try something like this, for a few weeks try using barbells, then to shock your chest you switch up your routine a little and switch from barbells to dumbbells, your chest will not be used to it and create a new threshold of pain and growth!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    hey thankx for replying everyone...Builder i did that exact thing at the gym today and it worked out good..ill see how i feel tommorow...hopfully im sore...
    whats your routine for arms??

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Austin, Texas
    You want my routine for arms? Well im not sure if your asking me but ill post it anyway so here it is:


    Preacher Curls - 4 Sets
    Standing Concentration Curls - 4 sets ( attach handles to the high pulley machine, and perform curls like you are doing a bicep pose for someone ) Hold at peak contraction for 5 seconds
    Cable Curls - 4 sets, supersetted with the standing concentration curls, provides and incredible pump!'
    Barbell/ Dumbbell Curls - 3 descending sets of curls, use the barbell for some workouts and dumbbells for others


    Weighted Dips - 5 sets, great mass builder!
    Seated SkullCrushers supersetted with Rope pulldowns - 3 sets
    Kickbacks supersetted with One handed cable pulldowns ( put a handle on the high pulley machine, and do it like a normal tricep extension only one handed ) - 3 sets
    Flat Bench skullcrushers - lay on a bench and either use a barbell or the low pulley on a cable machine, switch it up each workout for variety.

    This is not the routine i always use, its just what i am using now. I like to switch my routines up to keep shocking my arms!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    thanks alot ill try it out about sholders how many sets do u do...i only do 12 not big on sholders but want to start getting mine bigger

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Austin, Texas
    I do about the same, mine are usually anywhere from 12 - 15 sets, very rarely will i do more. Well im going to the gym now, so ill be back in about and hour, little more. Catch ya later.

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