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  1. #1
    downtime is offline New Member
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    What do you think of my routine

    I'm 6 goot 205 and getting back into shape(i recently quit smoking)i am no where near the strenght leveli should be but these are my exersices so far,my goal is to add another 25 pounds
    Bisceps- dumbell curls,hammer curls,preacher curls,flex arm hang,barbell curl
    Chest-bench press,dunmbell flat bench press,incline dunbell press,incline fly,pullover
    Triceps-seated bench,weightned dips,1 arm pull downs,wide grip lat pull down,1 arm dumbell rows
    Back-deadlifts,barebell rows,seated rows,shrugs,bent over dumbell flys

    I do 4 per set and not more than 8 to a set,you will notice noleg workout as i am currently doingcardio and after 15 years of smoking my body can only take so much.Please be kind and help me out in what i may be missing.I currently go to the gym every other day.I try to eat as much and healthy as i can, i am using whey protein 35 vgrams per day.

  2. #2
    Steve80's Avatar
    Steve80 is offline Associate Member
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    Palatine Illinois
    Moday- Chest/Triceps

    Flat bench
    Flat DB press
    Incline DB press

    Weighted Dips
    Tricep cable pulldowns
    Behind the head dumbell extensions


    Dead lifts
    seated rows
    Lat Pulls

    BB gurls
    Hammer Curls
    Flexed arm hang till failure

    Friday- Shoulders/ (Legs?)

    Military press
    Side laterals

    Leg press
    Calf raises

    Do three sets of each. Use a rep range of 10,8, failure (should be around 4-6)

    I know you said you dont want to do legs because you do cardio, but I feel it is still necessary. If you dont want to, then just keep friday shoulders. These exercises and plan should help ya. The way you had it before some of the lifts didnt work the muscles you thought they did. Give this a shot.
    If you do incorporate the legs, I would change friday to monday, and weds to fri, so you dont hit deads and squats so close together.

  3. #3
    Anthony C's Avatar
    Anthony C is offline Associate Member
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    Steve80 gave a good idea of a routine .If your outa shape and have been smoking this is what I would do first I would make sure that my diet or what I put in my mouth is for the purpose of geting back in the game again .I truly beleive that you could make great gains on what steve80 gave you I also think you could make great gains on working your body as a whole 3 times a weeks .The very most important thing is without a doubt diet .Basicly a calorie is a calorie just make make sure they are clean .If you want to add mass up the cals ,if you want to cut weight cut the cals again just make sure you diet is in check which everway you go .You could have the best routine in the world but if you eat like crap youll look like crap and feel crapy plus gains wont come as fast as they could .IF YOUR DIET IS IN CHECK THEN FORGET EVERYTHING I JUST WROTE DOWN AND LIFT ..Steve80 gave a good routine Ill also through something your way ..You can start with just the basics

    Monday could be Leg day I would for sure squat if at all possible .

    So it would be squats 3-6 sets and then follow it up with some leg ex 3sets ,maybe some leg curls or SLDL FOR 3-4Sets ,a little calf work and end with abs .

    Wednesday could go with some regular bench press for 3-4 sets ,followed up with some BB Press 3 sets , a few sets for your tris ie pushdowns 3 sets ,and close grips bench press for a few sets then finish of with abs ..

    Fridays would be back work so you could go deads for 3-4 sets followed up by Pulldowns for 3-4 sets ,Then some bb rows for a few sets ,after that I would do some arm work then finish up with abs ..

    I always work my trunk area I hate it but I do it because if you trunk is weak at the core then its like everything else is weak as well .You can get alot of bonus pounds just by having a strong trunk area very important IMHO ..Again none of this will make much of a defferance unless you eat right and get your rest ..Good luck And have fun thats with this is all about anyways ..Peace AC

  4. #4
    Anthony C's Avatar
    Anthony C is offline Associate Member
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    Nov 2005
    Dang my bad I basicly just wrote down everything Steve80 did I should have read it more LOL ..AC

  5. #5
    downtime is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2006


    For all the help , i see some different exercises to try out.

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