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  1. #1
    285lookinfor210 is offline New Member
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    Lack of Bicep pump

    Hey guys, I have always wondered about this but just now asking.....when I work Bi's out, I work them to failure, however, I dont see or feel the "pump' that I can see with Tri's or Fore's......they hurt like hell and when I get done with each set, I coouldnt do another rep, but no pump or engouging like the other parts.....Form I think is good, slow and easy, with a squeeze at the end...but no bi pump

  2. #2
    suckysucky's Avatar
    suckysucky is offline Associate Member
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    If I had to take a guese bro. I would say your forearms are lacking. As i stated before in my earlier posts IMO the key to biceps are forearms. If you do not have strong enough forearms, even though your bicep wants to and can curl more weight your forearms are not allowing it. Therefor, your bicpes are not getting a good workout because its not that heavy for your biceps.

  3. #3
    KrooC's Avatar
    KrooC is offline Anabolic Member
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    ^^ and i remember theres similar thread like 3 posts down

    Bicep, wrong pump?

  4. #4
    pelly789's Avatar
    pelly789 is offline Member
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    check your form make sure your elbows stay put by your sides at all times

  5. #5
    ascendant's Avatar
    ascendant is offline Senior Member
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    Right behind you...
    Quote Originally Posted by suckysucky
    If I had to take a guese bro. I would say your forearms are lacking. As i stated before in my earlier posts IMO the key to biceps are forearms. If you do not have strong enough forearms, even though your bicep wants to and can curl more weight your forearms are not allowing it. Therefor, your bicpes are not getting a good workout because its not that heavy for your biceps.
    think he's got it here. i know when i do shrugs, my traps are so strong compared to my forearms that unless i use wrist wraps, my forearms fail first. though i feel it in my traps even without the wraps and near the end will still feel as if my traps can't lift it anymore, i can do far more with the wraps, indicating that it actually is my forearms failing and indeed not my traps.

    try adding some direct forearm work into your routine and see if it helps.

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