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Thread: Ouch, my legs!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Bobcat County

    Ouch, my legs!

    Okay, so I am currently trying to cut, tweaked my diet and training for this purpose. I've been doing 45 mins cardio in the a.m. and training in the evening. However, after the next two days after my leg workout doing the a.m. cardio seems almost next to impossible.

    Firstly, I want to give the muscle enough time to heal in order to get the most out of my workout, and secondly, I'm usually pretty sore from the leg workout and 45 mins of 75% HR cardio seems like a death sentence. The funny thing is, the day after I can usually do it fine... it's the day after that that seems more difficult.

    Anyone else have this experience or have advice?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    a small room
    if that were me...I would just get on the bike and do light cardio to get blood flowing...or do your normal cardio just lighter...its the second day after legs right? also make sure you are stretching plenty after your workouts...this always helps me to be less sore

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    F_ucken Two Bitches
    i do cardio in the morning to, but on leg day i do my cardio right after i workout my legs

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    cardio right after heavy squats will loosen up those quads, and you should be hyped up enough to get in some good cardio

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