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  1. #1
    Daniel32 is offline New Member
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    critique my workout

    Been working out hard for the past 2 1/2 years. Just wanted some input on my split. Not on anything at the moment but looking at getting back on. Just want to make sure have everything in check before I start again.

    Height: 5'10"
    Weight: 188 lbs
    BF %: 15
    Cycle History:1) Test Cyp 400 ml weekly for 10 weeks
    Winny 50 ml ed for 6 weeks
    2) Did another cycle of dbol and test but was young and dumb and pretty much did what my friend told me too so dont know the specs on that.

    Goal:Not planning on doing any shows or anything, just want to lean up a little bit and get the BF % to around 10%

    Mon: Chest, Bi's
    Tue: Calves, Quads
    Wen: Rest,
    Thur: Shoulders, Tri's
    Fri: Back, Hams
    Sat: Rest
    Sun: Rest

    I lift in the mornings and do cardio at night (30-40 min). Diet is pretty clean and consistant(little over a year). I also try and get some ab work done 2-3 times a week. Need any other info please let me know. Any help would be appreciated

  2. #2
    Steve80's Avatar
    Steve80 is offline Associate Member
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    We kinda need to know what lifts your doing, not just the order to critique.

  3. #3
    Zanelike's Avatar
    Zanelike is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve80
    We kinda need to know what lifts your doing, not just the order to critique.
    Agreed. Plus, is there a reason you are doing your cardio at night? You would be better off doing your cardio in the morning before your first meal if you are trying to lean out.

  4. #4
    Daniel32 is offline New Member
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    I do cardio at night because of school and work. Pretty much the only time I have to get it in. I work out during my breaks in between classes. I have to use the school's gym and the hours are pretty crappy. OK here is my workouts. All workouts begin with 10-15 min of stretching. Workout not done in any particular order, just depends on what is open. All are done 4x10

    Mon: -Bench Press
    -Incline Press
    -Decline Press
    -Dumbell Flys

    - Standing dumbell curls
    - Barbell curls (wide grip)
    -preacher curls
    -Hammer curls

    Tue: -One Leg Toe Raises
    -seated calf raises
    -standing calf raises

    -leg press
    -leg extensions

    Wen: Rest

    Thur: -Front press
    -Later raises
    -Front raises
    -Reverse Pec Dec

    - weighted dips
    - tricep extensions
    -revesse pushdowns
    - pushdowns (with rope)

    Fri: -close grip lat pulldowns
    -seated rows
    -bent rows

    -lying leg curls
    - standing leg curls
    -Good Mornings

    Sat: Rest

    Sun: Rest
    Last edited by Daniel32; 04-24-2006 at 07:34 PM.

  5. #5
    TADOLFI's Avatar
    TADOLFI is offline Member
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    If the goal is to lean out and get bodyfat down. I would just switch the cardio around and mix up your exercises every 8 - 10 weeks.

    By mixing, I mean to switch to another type of exercise for the same body parts - take chest for example...switch to Incline Dumbell Flyes and Close grip bench and maybe drop the flat bench flyes and the declines. Work in cable cross overs if you can and drop the flat bench.

  6. #6
    Daniel32 is offline New Member
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    I generally mix things up about every 6-8 weeks or so. This is just my current routine

  7. #7
    TADOLFI's Avatar
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    I'd say you're on your way. the only other thing that comes to mind is to limit rest between sets or do more of a circuit training routine so that you are moving more quickly and keep the heart rate up.
    Disadvantage to that sometimes is that you give up some strength and it can mess with you mentally as far as motivation.

    Good Luck Daniel.

  8. #8
    Daniel32 is offline New Member
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    Thanks TADOLFI

    I don't really spend too much time between sets just due to lack of time. Class and work is a bitch!! sometimes I feel like I rush myself too much

  9. #9
    Daniel32 is offline New Member
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    any other comments??

  10. #10
    FullMoonHowlingWolf's Avatar
    FullMoonHowlingWolf is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Daniel32
    I do cardio at night because of school and work. Pretty much the only time I have to get it in. I work out during my breaks in between classes. I have to use the school's gym and the hours are pretty crappy. OK here is my workouts. All workouts begin with 10-15 min of stretching. Workout not done in any particular order, just depends on what is open. All are done 4x10

    Mon: -Bench Press
    -Incline Press
    -Decline Press
    -Dumbell Flys

    - Standing dumbell curls
    - Barbell curls (wide grip)
    -preacher curls
    -Hammer curls

    Tue: -One Leg Toe Raises
    -seated calf raises
    -standing calf raises

    -leg press
    -leg extensions

    Wen: Rest

    Thur: -Front press
    -Later raises
    -Front raises
    -Reverse Pec Dec

    - weighted dips
    - tricep extensions
    -revesse pushdowns
    - pushdowns (with rope)

    Fri: -close grip lat pulldowns
    -seated rows
    -bent rows

    -lying leg curls
    - standing leg curls
    -Good Mornings

    Sat: Rest

    Sun: Rest
    Here are my suggestions. Cut down on your total sets, so you don’t over train. If you are trying to gain mass, go heavy and do between 5-8 reps per set after you warm up. Warm ups do not count as sets.

    Mon - Chest (10-12 sets) & Bi's (6-9 sets)
    Tues - Legs (10-12 sets) quads & (7-9 sets) hams
    Wed - Rest
    Thur - Shoulders (8-10 sets) & Tri's (6-9 sets)
    Fri - Back (10-12 sets)
    Sat & Sun - Rest

    *** Abs and calves can be hit every other day or on your days off.

    Mon: - Incline Barbell Bench Press
    - Flat Barbell Bench Press
    - Incline Dumbbell Fly’s

    - Standing Barbell Curls
    - Preacher Curls or Incline Curls
    - Hammer Curls

    Tue: - Leg Extensions
    - Squats
    - Leg Press or Hack Squats

    - Lying Leg Curls
    - Standing Leg Curls
    - Good Mornings

    Thur: - Military Front Press
    - Dumbbell Lateral Raises
    - Bent Over Lateral Raises or Reverse Pec Dec

    - Weighted Dips
    - Lying French Tricep Extensions
    - Rope Pushdowns

    Fri: - Wide Grip Lat Pull Downs or Chin-ups
    - Seated Rows
    - Close Grip Pull Downs
    - Dead Lifts

  11. #11
    MartyMcFly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FullMoonHowlingWolf
    Here are my suggestions. Cut down on your total sets, so you don’t over train. If you are trying to gain mass, go heavy and do between 5-8 reps per set after you warm up. Warm ups do not count as sets.

    Mon - Chest (10-12 sets) & Bi's (6-9 sets)
    Tues - Legs (10-12 sets) quads & (7-9 sets) hams
    Wed - Rest
    Thur - Shoulders (8-10 sets) & Tri's (6-9 sets)
    Fri - Back (10-12 sets)
    Sat & Sun - Rest

    *** Abs and calves can be hit every other day or on your days off.

    Mon: - Incline Barbell Bench Press
    - Flat Barbell Bench Press
    - Incline Dumbbell Fly’s

    - Standing Barbell Curls
    - Preacher Curls or Incline Curls
    - Hammer Curls

    Tue: - Leg Extensions
    - Squats
    - Leg Press or Hack Squats

    - Lying Leg Curls
    - Standing Leg Curls
    - Good Mornings

    Thur: - Military Front Press
    - Dumbbell Lateral Raises
    - Bent Over Lateral Raises or Reverse Pec Dec

    - Weighted Dips
    - Lying French Tricep Extensions
    - Rope Pushdowns

    Fri: - Wide Grip Lat Pull Downs or Chin-ups
    - Seated Rows
    - Close Grip Pull Downs
    - Dead Lifts
    I do not agree with this in bold. You wouldn't train any other muscle every other day. I could not do this anyway, I hit mine as hard as any other muscle and am sore for days.

    Try Back and bi's together and chest and tri's. Cuts down on your sets and pre exhausts you smaller muscle groups. For back all you need is bent over BB row, Deadlift, and weighted pullups. After that you should not be able to do anything else. For ti's do weighted dips, Cgbp, and an isolator. If done after chest this should be plenty. Everything else he said looks good. This is just my opinion so take it how you want it. I do it and it is working for me.

  12. #12
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by Daniel32
    I do cardio at night because of school and work. Pretty much the only time I have to get it in. I work out during my breaks in between classes. I have to use the school's gym and the hours are pretty crappy. OK here is my workouts. All workouts begin with 10-15 min of stretching. Workout not done in any particular order, just depends on what is open. All are done 4x10

    Mon: -Bench Press
    -Incline Press
    -Decline Press
    -Dumbell Flys

    - Standing dumbell curls
    - Barbell curls (wide grip)
    -preacher curls
    -Hammer curls

    Tue: -One Leg Toe Raises
    -seated calf raises
    -standing calf raises

    -leg press
    -leg extensions

    Wen: Rest

    Thur: -Front press
    -Later raises
    -Front raises
    -Reverse Pec Dec

    - weighted dips
    - tricep extensions
    -revesse pushdowns
    - pushdowns (with rope)

    Fri: -close grip lat pulldowns
    -seated rows
    -bent rows

    -lying leg curls
    - standing leg curls
    -Good Mornings

    Sat: Rest

    Sun: Rest
    i dont like it.. too much redundency and not enough use of coinsiding muscle groups i.e. shoulders and chest ..
    bewarn that shoulders are easily over trained since they are used in all motions.
    i think u do too much for arms, too much pressing for chest, to much pressing for legs, an extra set of un'need rows WAY too much tri work and DEFINETLY over doing it for shoulders.. what i see is a commong rookie mistake where everyone thinks MORE is more .. where in actuality its not .. its actually a hinderence on recovery and growth. definetly need to fix it up .

  13. #13
    FullMoonHowlingWolf's Avatar
    FullMoonHowlingWolf is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MartyMcFly
    I do not agree with this in bold. You wouldn't train any other muscle every other day. I could not do this anyway, I hit mine as hard as any other muscle and am sore for days.

    Try Back and bi's together and chest and tri's. Cuts down on your sets and pre exhausts you smaller muscle groups. For back all you need is bent over BB row, Deadlift, and weighted pullups. After that you should not be able to do anything else. For ti's do weighted dips, Cgbp, and an isolator. If done after chest this should be plenty. Everything else he said looks good. This is just my opinion so take it how you want it. I do it and it is working for me.
    MartyMcFly makes a good point stating "You wouldn't train any other muscle every other day." and he’s correct, I wouldn’t train any other muscle group, but abs or calves every other day. Also, please note that I said they can be trained every other day, not should. There is a lot of debate about how frequently calves and abs can or should be trained. Keep in mind that you've been using your calves since the day you could walk and your abs are used in every exercise. In any event you have to see what works best for you, as each individual is different.

    Also, for years I did the push pull method of training until a couple pro bodybuilders told me to switch and do the opposite. Their reasoning was that when you do the push pull method you are pre fatiguing the muscles that are going to be trained next, i.e. chest & triceps, or chest & shoulders, or back & biceps. They believed isolating the muscle groups would bring the best results and once I start following their advice I was amazed at the difference in my workouts and muscle mass gains. So when you do the opposite of the push pull method, you just have to make sure that you get enough rest between body parts. I feel that doing the opposite of the push pull method is optimal, but once again, it’s what works best for the individual. You have to make the choice that’s best for you Daniel.

  14. #14
    FullMoonHowlingWolf's Avatar
    FullMoonHowlingWolf is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    i dont like it.. too much redundency and not enough use of coinsiding muscle groups i.e. shoulders and chest ..
    bewarn that shoulders are easily over trained since they are used in all motions.
    i think u do too much for arms, too much pressing for chest, to much pressing for legs, an extra set of un'need rows WAY too much tri work and DEFINETLY over doing it for shoulders.. what i see is a commong rookie mistake where everyone thinks MORE is more .. where in actuality its not .. its actually a hinderence on recovery and growth. definetly need to fix it up .

  15. #15
    MartyMcFly's Avatar
    MartyMcFly is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by FullMoonHowlingWolf
    MartyMcFly makes a good point stating "You wouldn't train any other muscle every other day." and he’s correct, I wouldn’t train any other muscle group, but abs or calves every other day. Also, please note that I said they can be trained every other day, not should. There is a lot of debate about how frequently calves and abs can or should be trained. Keep in mind that you've been using your calves since the day you could walk and your abs are used in every exercise. In any event you have to see what works best for you, as each individual is different.

    Also, for years I did the push pull method of training until a couple pro bodybuilders told me to switch and do the opposite. Their reasoning was that when you do the push pull method you are pre fatiguing the muscles that are going to be trained next, i.e. chest & triceps, or chest & shoulders, or back & biceps. They believed isolating the muscle groups would bring the best results and once I start following their advice I was amazed at the difference in my workouts and muscle mass gains. So when you do the opposite of the push pull method, you just have to make sure that you get enough rest between body parts. I feel that doing the opposite of the push pull method is optimal, but once again, it’s what works best for the individual. You have to make the choice that’s best for you Daniel.
    I agree. I did the opposite of you though. I am doing push pull now for first time which is why I am getting growth. I isolated first now am push/pull. I think the best thing we can come away from this discussion is there is no one best method and you should do different routines from time to time. After a while switch it up. Keep 'em guessing. I have been doing my routine for about a month and can only take about a month more before I have to change.

  16. #16
    FullMoonHowlingWolf's Avatar
    FullMoonHowlingWolf is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MartyMcFly
    I agree. I did the opposite of you though. I am doing push pull now for first time which is why I am getting growth. I isolated first now am push/pull. I think the best thing we can come away from this discussion is there is no one best method and you should do different routines from time to time. After a while switch it up. Keep 'em guessing. I have been doing my routine for about a month and can only take about a month more before I have to change.

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