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  1. #1
    Superballer's Avatar
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    Exclamation 1 pec bigger than the other.........

    I know I've seen threads on something similar, couldn't find it searching very easily.......

    Don't know how it happened, but my right pec seems definately smaller than my left....... it's bugging the sh1t out of me.

    Anything I can do to correct this?

    I have a pretty solid chest routine, 1x a week, flat (bb and db), incline (bb and db), dips, decline (bb and db). 12-14 sets a week. My diet is in check (have had it critiqued).

    Thanks for any advice.

  2. #2
    bonerdonor's Avatar
    bonerdonor is offline Associate Member
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    Your ribcage may not be semetrical. From what I've read,theres new gear that u inject directly into the muscle wich causes it to over recouperate. This is a quick fix and not recomended. Its not likely you will be able to get this drug yet anyway.

  3. #3
    Superballer's Avatar
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    Haha... yeah no drugs....

    the ribcage thought crossed my mind, but when I look at my skinny pics (6 months back), I looked pretty much even.... seems like it would have been more noticable then...

  4. #4
    bonerdonor's Avatar
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    thats all i got bro. sorry. test yourself to see if your favouring your left peck. Grab a dumbell and do one armed flys to see if you get more reps than your right. Id say drop the bar and do an intense period (i dont know how long cuz i dont know how unsemetrical your pecs are) of chest workouts using dumbells only and double the exercises for ur right.

  5. #5
    Superballer's Avatar
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    Caliskrilla yada?!
    No worries, man, I appreciate the suggestion.

    I was thinking along these lines, but worried it may backfire and I will be just overtraining my right side, but I couldn't think of any better idea either....

    Maybe someone else with a suggestion or similar experience...

  6. #6
    Timm1704's Avatar
    Timm1704 is offline Anabolic Member
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    i had this problem when i was 15/16, so started training chest once a week in full, then, at the end of the week i did one-arm pec deck, one-arm dumbbell presses and the like. it took acouple of months, but all is sweet now. my right pec is still alittle stronger than my left, so usually at the conclusion of the set il grind out acouple more reps on the right. give this a try, and let us know if it works for you

  7. #7
    juice_305's Avatar
    juice_305 is offline Banned
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    come get some
    try to isolate the smaller pec.

  8. #8
    Superballer's Avatar
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    I'll give it a shot.... and let you know how it goes in a couple months. Thanks

  9. #9
    T3/T4 GSR's Avatar
    T3/T4 GSR is offline Senior Member
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    I have the same problem. Always had it though. When I was 12 and I had my dad get me a little weight set cause I wanted to look like a pro wrestler is when I first noticed it haha. Now I am almost 100 pounds heaveir and I have the same inbalance. I think one side of my chest is slightly caved in.

  10. #10
    bonerdonor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by T3/T4 GSR
    I have the same problem. Always had it though. When I was 12 and I had my dad get me a little weight set cause I wanted to look like a pro wrestler is when I first noticed it haha. Now I am almost 100 pounds heaveir and I have the same inbalance. I think one side of my chest is slightly caved in.
    The Right or the left? I wonder if one side more common. Right side for me.

  11. #11
    Superballer's Avatar
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    Caliskrilla yada?!

  12. #12
    transform is offline Associate Member
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    Iv got the exact same thing. Iv always had it though. My right pec has always been bigger. Tried doing dumbell presses and extra sets for my left pec and so on but nothing seems to have corrected it. I figure its because of my ribs or something.

  13. #13
    transform is offline Associate Member
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    Iv got the exact same thing. Iv always had it though. My right pec has always been bigger. Tried doing dumbell presses and extra sets for my left pec and so on but nothing seems to have corrected it. I figure its because of my ribs or something.

  14. #14
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    My whole left side is bigger than my right, and the funny thing is, I am right handed

  15. #15
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    firstly i would like to say there is too much redundency on ur chest
    ok ur doing bb and db presses on both incline and flat? and DECLINE wow ur poor chest is being overtrained unless ur training for STAMINA instead of SizeStr then keep oin doing it. but when u do a heavy set or a set to failure that muscle is taxed and pretty much done for, for abut 3-6 days depending on work load. 2ndly when a muscle contracts it is going to contract as a whole REALLY hard to isolate pectoralis minor and major .. .regardless of the angle.. its more of the stabilizers u incorp that make a difference in the press.

    so i say do this FIRSTLY a good friend of mine who has been competing for about 12 years David Morrison (dont know if anyone relaly knows him .. been in tons ofmuscle mags and shit won 10,000$ worth of muscle tech products 3 times in some contests, and is also a male stripper who tried to get me to work w/ him (enough background LOL ) told me that the BEST way to acquire chest symmetry is to do DB's ONLY and focus on flat or incline one week then hit the opposite in the next week .. wash rinse repeat. its the bb that creates an unsymmetrical appearance.

  16. #16
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by Kale
    My whole left side is bigger than my right, and the funny thing is, I am right handed
    that is because ur right side is more coordinated so u can utilize ur muscles more effectively on the right side .. i.e. use ur tri/delts in conjunction w/ your chest to lessen the workload on the pect while the left side... being mildley retarded has to relay almost completely on the pect to do the workload my left side is way better looking (chest wise) while my right arm is sexier on my right.

  17. #17
    Superballer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    firstly i would like to say there is too much redundency on ur chest
    ok ur doing bb and db presses on both incline and flat? and DECLINE wow ur poor chest is being overtrained unless ur training for STAMINA instead of SizeStr then keep oin doing it. but when u do a heavy set or a set to failure that muscle is taxed and pretty much done for, for abut 3-6 days depending on work load. 2ndly when a muscle contracts it is going to contract as a whole REALLY hard to isolate pectoralis minor and major .. .regardless of the angle.. its more of the stabilizers u incorp that make a difference in the press.

    so i say do this FIRSTLY a good friend of mine who has been competing for about 12 years David Morrison (dont know if anyone relaly knows him .. been in tons ofmuscle mags and shit won 10,000$ worth of muscle tech products 3 times in some contests, and is also a male stripper who tried to get me to work w/ him (enough background LOL ) told me that the BEST way to acquire chest symmetry is to do DB's ONLY and focus on flat or incline one week then hit the opposite in the next week .. wash rinse repeat. its the bb that creates an unsymmetrical appearance.
    No, sorry, that was unclear.... I do BB and DB but not every week... a typical week would be:
    Incline DB 3 sets
    Flat BB 3 sets
    Dips 3 sets
    Flat DB 3 sets

    Other weeks I switch off from DB and BB etc....

  18. #18
    taiotosh7's Avatar
    taiotosh7 is offline Associate Member
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    I have this same problem fellas, right pec is smaller and I'm right handed as well. To combat this I incorporate db for chest every other week. I was told that when using db for whatever exercise,(arms, chest, legs, ect) it helps your naturally weaker side to adapt to it's stronger side and has seemed to work very well for me. Since bb are ideal for mass building then your dominant side will obviously get bigger so I work this in every other week = 1 heavy week w/bb and one lighter wk using db.

  19. #19
    x305x is offline New Member
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    make sure you have the DB equal distance from your body and equal grip width when you use BB. The wider your grip or the wider you are during DB the more it's going to targert the pectoralis.

  20. #20
    texfire's Avatar
    texfire is offline New Member
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    Hey superballer,
    I know this is going to sound stupid but whenever you feel like "wacking the johnson" do it with your right hand instead of your left no pun or offense intended...seriously it worked for me and I am about the same size as the pic you posted

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