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Thread: chest routine help

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    chest routine help

    I am just getting back in the 5 day s a week the last month or so I was off for a while due to injury so I am trying to get my strength and size back seems like my chest was first to go.I AM 5'10 190 I was 210 my chest routine is this start with incline barbell two light set 12 15 reps then go to 185 10 times then 205 two sets 6-8 reps then flat bench 3 sets 225 10 reps 1 light 15 reps then dumbbell pullovers 4 sets decline hammer 4 sets incline DB flys 4 sets then finish with dips or seeted machine flys I am trying to build my upper chest more. Also need a good ab routine thanks guys

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    I just did a 3 moth upper chest builder...I did incline barbell, incline db (we have adjustable benches) I did one set a t 30, one set at 40 then a final one at 50 degress, that ended my presses I also did flyes and worked great for me so IMO if you want a bigger upper chest git rid of the decline exercises and put some more incline in there

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Thanks for the feed back

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    I'd suggest that after you warm up, focus on heavy (5-8 reps) incline barbell presses at varying degrees like BlueAndromeda73 suggested. Dumbbells can be used as well for variation. Stick to your compound movements and I'd do barbell flat press as well for overall mass development. Total set range can be between 10-14 depending on your recovery rate.

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