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Thread: Gotta love the Dorian Yates style of training!!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    the gym

    Gotta love the Dorian Yates style of training!!!

    I'm back to training Dorian Yates style. It's mostly because of my job with the fire dept. We wrok 24 hr shifts, and I happen to be at one of the busiest stations on earth. It's rare that I get more than 3-4 hrs of sleep the night I'm there(it's terrible, an hour here and there throughout the night) so usually I go home in the morning and sleep 3 or 4 hrs. So I've decided to do some brief high intensity style shit but get more into the cardio aspect of things as well. It makes total sense to me, and it definitely allows you to stay trim with very minor, if any, loss of lean tissue. All I do is 2 or 3 warm up sets, and then on my work set it's heavy and balls to the wall!! It's such a great way to train, and it's getting me strong as hell. Weights that used to be considered work sets are now warm up sets. Plus, I feel that I am able to grow w/out a shitload of excessive calories. If you've never tried his type of training I'd highly recommend it

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Palatine Illinois
    Post an example of it, would be cool to see what a weeks workout looks like.

    I have noticed the majority of the popular workouts lately only have one work set with a couple warm ups. I personaly prefer to stretch and go right into work sets, I have terrible endurance so the warm ups even if light wear me out.

  3. #3
    I used it after graduating from college. That is the strongest I have ever gotten in my life. To make the greatest gains, it is great to have a training partner that can help you with forced reps and negatives. I was able to get up to 253lbs at 6 feet tall, naturally. My bodytype is ectomorph so that was very good results for me.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    The Bay, California
    thats great.

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