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Thread: Board presses, high bar squats, box squats

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Jackson MS

    Question Board presses, high bar squats, box squats

    For powerlifting:

    1) Board presses, yeah I'm dumb I just have no clue what they are or how you do them. Any help?

    2) High bar squats, again I have no clue what they are, any help?

    3) Dimmel deadlifts, again I have no clue what they are, any help?

    4) Manta Ray squats, again I have no clue what they are, any help?

    5) Box squats, I've read different things, but box squats are just squats where you go down (below parallel), sit on a box, then go up. Is this right?

    Big BIG Thanks for any help!
    Last edited by Phildude; 04-27-2006 at 02:18 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    You should post this in the powerlifting forum.

    1. Board Presses - Anywhere from 1-6 2x6's are laying on your chest, and you bring the bar down to them and press. This helps you get used to handling heavier weight, but mostly helps you concentrate on your sticking point.

    2. I think you mean high box squats. If that's the case see 5. Otherwise I don't know.

    3. Don't Know

    4. Don't Know

    5. Box squats are just what you described. They can be done on a low box, a parallel box, or a high box. Most like the method of sitting on the box and deloading the weight, and then springing back up as opposed to just touching the box and going. Low box squats are very good for hip strength/speed, high box squats are very good for learning to handle heavier weight/taxing the quads, and are also very useful for someone who will be competing in a squat suit.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Jackson MS
    What do you mean by 'deloading' the weight? Do you have spotters remove weight from the bar?

    I found:

    3) Dimmel deadlift: "To perform it, stand in front of the barbell with around 30 to 40 percent of your max deadlift weight. Pull the bar to the top position. This is the starting position of the exercise.

    From here you want to arch your back as hard as you can and push your hips back until you feel a extreme stretch in your hamstring and glutes. For the first few reps you'll lower the bar with a controlled tempo to just below knee level then rebound back up. Once you get the bar path figured out you'll then begin to lower very fast and rebound out of the bottom in a ballistic fashion. This is a high speed, high rep exercise that's best trained with 2 to 3 sets of 20 reps. "

    4) Manta ray squats are just squats with that little blue thing on the bar to help you support the bar.

    Man everything is on the internet these days, don't know if that's good or bad.

    Thanks for the help BoondockSaint

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Phildude
    What do you mean by 'deloading' the weight? Do you have spotters remove weight from the bar?
    No. I mean when you lower yourself to the box, you are actually sitting on in it for a second, not just touching it and pressing.

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