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  1. #1
    theforce3169's Avatar
    theforce3169 is offline Junior Member
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    Huntington Beach, Ca.

    Not trying to be stupid, but its late and I need help

    Ive been working out for over 4 years....For One: I dont have a regular routine anymore. I don't keep track of what days I do what. Usually, I work on one body part at a time......Such as Bi's and Tri's and forearms one day, chest and stomach one day, legs one day, and shoulders and upper back the other.

    I also throw in 3 cardio days in a week to where I go between 30 and 35 minutes........ what's messed up the most is that on certain days, more that just a few, I seem to lose alot of power

    What I need help in is 1) I need to see how to train (body parts, which days, reps and weights) 2) i need advice on cardio, should I even do it when I am lifting? If so, how much? How often do i raise the weights and how often?

    How much time should I take off????? Is having a cardio day taking a day off since I am not lifting?

    I see people in here say, "do some research, especially in here." Well, I must be looking in the wrong places cause I am still lost..

    I need serious help.........suggestions for starting a New regimen for someone who has "some " knowledge about liftng.

    I could also use alot of help with dieting, I am a lot better off than I used to be, but I want to imporve........Suggestions?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    F_ucken Two Bitches

  3. #3
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    I looked this over this a.m. and thought immediately, "He needs to hire a personal trainer/nutritionist for all of that."


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