Started this about six weeks ago, HUDGE results with aas.
Pick your maximum weight, do one rep. breath in and out then do another, then breath twice, then another then breath three times, ... you repeat this until you do twelve reps (by the twelth rep you have breathed twelve times). immediately following reduce your weight by 1/2 and rep out to failure. you only do one set per excercise but three exereses per body part.
Biceps(cable curl, slide curl, Zotterman);
back (cable lat pull down, back shrug, t bar row)
chest ( incline press, pec deck, cable cross overs)
shoulders (upright Cable row, shrug, lat raise)
triceps (cable extension, close grip press, reverse cable extension)
legs (squat, leg extension, leg curl)
lower back (dead lift)
The pump is extreme I have had some great gains.