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Thread: I've switched my routine up - and I'm feeling the results :)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    I've switched my routine up - and I'm feeling the results :)

    This is just another post praising the benefits of training with a varied routine.

    I used to do 4 sets of every exercise when at the gym, with my third and fourth set being the heaviest. I would try and pump out 12 clean reps on the 3rd / 4th set, perhaps 10 at the very least. This had worked fine for quite a while, but lately I had just seemed to hit a bit of a plateau.

    Well, after reading a few posts in this forum, I decided to up my weight for my 3rd/4th set, and just try to pump out 6-8 reps (failure point). I've also tried to stay away from the machines a little more - for example, using only dumbells for my chest routine (incline, decline, flat bench) All I can say is WOW.. are my muscles ever sore the days following my workout! I love it I'm just so damn excited to be going to the gym again. Oh, if you're wondering - I'm not using any AS. I may do a cycle a little later in the year, but for now I just want to see where I can take things.

    Last edited by Exocet; 06-15-2002 at 08:37 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    east windsor, NJ
    good shit man glad your seeing results. I try to change my wor\ks outs eevery 4 or 5 months

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