HEY EVERYONE, i am working out intenseley like always, i am working 1 muscle group everyday....but sumtimes i feel i may be over doing it....is there a such thing?? is being sore everytime i work out good??? i am a high protein dieter so i repair very quickly....here is a list of my workouts...bear with me, i dont have a name for all but i will explain to the best of my ability.....oh and please add if i should contribute any exercises also...thx
Monday: CHEST
bench, 1st set; warmup of 20/ 2nd; usual weight 3rd; up 30lbs/ 4th; up 50lbs end with a cooldown of my 1st set
incline dumbell 3 sets
incline smith bench 3 sets 15 of LIGHT weight, i lift to throw it up, and catch it on way down
decline bench; 3 sets of 12, only adding 30lbs on 3rd set, cooling down at light weight
wide chest push on a machine, 3 sets of 10 heavy weight
flat dumbell bench press; 3 sets of 10
pec flys 3 sets of 10
[B]pushups[B] 1x until exhaustion
Tuesday: BACK
wired bar pull downs; 3 set of 20,15,12,10,cooldown; warmup, increase, increase, heavy
wide grip pullups, 3 sets of exhaustion
rows, 4 sets of 15,12,10,cooldown; increasing weight and ending with cooldown
romanian deadlift, 3 sets of 12; moderate weight
isolateral pulls 4 sets, 15,12,10 cooldown
face down dumbell raise lightweight; 3 sets of 10
close grip pullups, 3 sets of exhaustion
stand n face pull downs, 3 sets of 15; mod weight
Wedsnesday: lack heavily on LEGS
Squats, 5 sets 20,15,12,10, cooldown; warmup, increase, increase, increase, cooldown
calve raises,3 sets of 10
quad raises, 3 sets of 15,12,10
hamstring raises, 3 sets of 15,12,10
Thursday: ARMS
bicep curls, 3 sets of 15,12,10
sit down curls, 3 sets of 15,12,10
tricep pull downs, 3 sets of 15,12,10
skull crushers, 3 sets of 15,15,12
machine wire stand up curls, 3sets of 12
incline dumbell raises, 3 sets of 10
weighted dips, 3 sets of 10
Friday: Shoulders
sitdown dumbell side raises, 3 sets of 10
dumbell front raises, 3 sets of 10
machine delt thrust, 3 sets of 12
smith machine extra wide bench, 3 sets of 12
wide pushups, exhaustion
trap workouts exhaustion...
sat n sun off......with the exception of pushups b4 i go out to a bar!!! ahha