alright guys, i know everybodys body is different and responds well to different types of training. but im gonna throw it out there anyway. it seems that my body has taken a nice shape after lifting for the past 2.5years. only thing is, my chest, although decently strong, isnt as big as the rest of my body, and from a front shot, it doenst look that well. i wud just like to ask you all for advice on what exercises worked the best for yous. also, im on a 5 day training split right now ... from mon-fri its chest, back, legs, shoudlesr, arms. would it be a good idea to push it to 6 days a week, and blast chest twice a week by going mon-sat with chest, back, legs, shoulders, chest, arms? i know i would be sacrificing a bit of triceps on chest day for the arm workout, but id throw in a few sets after my first chest day on monday.

so hit me up for some advice guys!