Im a 21 year old college football player....everytime we get time of i always switch back to doing my work out, which is MAX-OT, which is from jeff willet at AST...i really like it and it consist of working out five days a week and woking one main body part a day...well now we have started our summer workouts and we are back on football lifting, which consist of mon-upper body; tues-lower;wed;upper;thurs lower...we do lots of olympic movements...but i never feel like i get the muscle pump from this work out that i get from MAX-OT...i like to keep my body looking good, as well as being an think it would be a good thing for me to work out on friday or saturday and do some extra stuff.....i just want to keep myself looking good and with this work out i dunno if im better off just doing it or maybe going to the gym after our workouts...or just the weekend thing