Which would be better for building up my pectorals dumbell bench press or barbell bench press?
Which would be better for building up my pectorals dumbell bench press or barbell bench press?
both...switch off every session you work chest
The reason I like dumbells better is because I work out alone most of the time and they are much easier to work until failure without a bar stuck on your chest!!
They both should be included, in your chest workout, for optimal results.
I prefer to alternate between them. One week DB's next week BB's keeps the muscles guessing.
I prefer and therefore favor DB more. I prefer the ROM and control which stimulates the muscles more. I just find BB restrict you more or less depending on exercises. That does not mean I neglect BBs
you can strech the pecks and front delts more with db,but i like to do both
i mix it up every workout if i barbell bench i will do incline db and the following week i will do db bench and bb incline. i love db
ditto. nuff saidOriginally Posted by gymrat12345
everybody responds differently to both. and both are usefull![]()
i prefer the db's myself, i just find it difficult to get a good workout with db's because most gyms don't have heavy enough db's. i usually go heavier with a bar to fatigue my pecs and then finish them off with db's.
I agree. DBs allow a greater ROM and more stretch at the bottom. They also seem easier on my shoulders than bb benching.Originally Posted by Prada
AGREED!Originally Posted by rockhuddy
Both, although I prefer DB as well. Much easier too if you workout solo.
Agree with Motion 100%
I no longer use the flat/incline barbell bench because of constant injuries when going heavy. DB's all the way for me. No reason to switch up, DB are far superior and your body won't get used to it as long as you keep going heavy/heavier each workout. Switch up the angle. Start with incline one day, decline the next week, flat etc etc..
-B D
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“Your desire to change must be greater than your desire to stay the same.”
db solo and max out bb 1 switching is good
I personally switch it up also to keep things different but (not to take anything away from the other guys) I'd say with the chest this guy has, DB's are superior. Honestly IBdmfkr your chest is ****in amazing, I'd love to see your chest workout.
Originally Posted by IBdmfkr
lol.. thanks bro my chest is one of my better part.
I'll post it up next to my leg routine in this forum "lifting techniques".
btw, do build a good foundation I like to get ppl to incorporate the barbell lifts because it really helps to improve the sweep in the chest IMO. Proper form is crucial. As you get stronger/more advanced and start lifting much heavier weight then I usually switch guys to dumbbells as barbell is no longer really needed because the foundation is there.
Again JMO, this is a highly debatable topic because everyone has experienced and seen different training styles work, so I don't expect everyone to agree but I do what works.
Last edited by IBdmfkr; 07-08-2006 at 12:01 PM.
Well I have both dumbells and barbells, but I use the dumbells when I workout by myself instead of barbells to avoid injury but I think they are both pretty much the same, but i find the bumbells to be easier to handle
dumbbells seem to work my whole better I have noticed a much more then with the barbell
Ime on the other side of the pool...Originally Posted by I**mfkr
I can really go heavy on a barbell with no problems. With dumbells however, when you really get up there in weight, it gets to difficult to balance those things.
Kevin levrone had a pec tear with dumbell presses...
Go lighter with dumbbells and do more negatives and static holds.. The reason it's hard to balance them is because your secondary/support muscles are weak and not used to supporting the weight. Seems maybe your pects and shoulders have outgrown them and now they need to catch-up. Stabilization muscles are often overlooked causing injury down the road.. probably in Levrones case as well.
dbell are easier to control; barbell are much challenging but benefitable. so I would say encourage urself to switch as often as possible.
I prefer DB. Never liked BB. But alternate between them each chest day.
next time you do dumbell bench, note where the dumbells touch your body before you start the positive. you might realize that a bb might actually have a longer range of motionOriginally Posted by Prada
that depends on form, but most people i watch to dumbell bench bring elbows in, so the dumbell ends up hitting them in the chest at some point, and that shortens the range of motion tremendously vs bb
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