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Thread: Workout Splits
08-21-2001, 03:39 PM #1
Workout Splits
Hey guys,
lets have some details of workout splits and the training philosophy you go by.
12-8 Reps 3 Sets, 3-4 Exercises.
Pymarid up in weight down in reps. I like to perform reps on my own with little or no spot until the end of a set. I train with my G/f so I have to lift the weight!
Give it up guy
08-21-2001, 03:44 PM #2Mike Guest
Two major muscle groups per day in gym - sets going 10 for warm up - then 8-6-3 Building weight up significantly - 3-4 exercises per muscle group
08-21-2001, 05:31 PM #3Banned
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here my routine
mon quads,hamstrings,calves
tue rest
wed delts,traps
thu 1.5 mile run
fri chest,biceps
sat 1 mile run + back,triceps
sun 1.5 mile run
running i do for stammina and i do 10 min rowing and 100m sprint warmup before trainning.
i do 4-6 reps and 9 sets ultra heavy weights where on the 4th im finished and 5 i can hardly do and 6th is impossible without a spoter.
i dont ever use pyrimid,forced-rep,decending-set-partial rep or rept pause trainning sytle or anything like that because a supplement company has done a study and it has found out that when you do stuff like that it overtrains the muscles and 4-6 reps with 6-9 sets is the best possible way to train. and ever since ive been using this system i have to say it definently works 100%.
also note that the running i have included myself and it wasnt really in the workout plan but i think its good and its helped me alot its actually made me stronger and i always have more stammina and recently i started to use cretine which has helped but im not sure how much.Last edited by physio_sport; 08-21-2001 at 05:34 PM.
08-22-2001, 02:56 AM #4
I train in the rep range of 6-8 once I can do 3 sets of 8 I increase the weight.I always warm up at 50% and 70% for 10 reps of each b4 the working sets.
Legs are trained at 3 sets of 10
Forearms/calfs are trained at 3 sets of 20
I do drop sets for each bp/workout once every 6 weeks.just to keep me refreshed and confuse the muscles.
Training split is like this
1 Shoulders/triceps/Traps/Abs
2 Upper legs/Biceps
3 Chest/Calfs/Abs
4 Delts/Back/Forearms/Abs
I know a lot of people don,t go from torso to legs or the otherway round but this really is working for me.
Major body parts get 3-4 ex each
I squat bench and deadlift EVERY week without fail the rest are for visual purposes those 3 I don,t believe you can grow without.
Just MO
08-22-2001, 04:51 AM #5Associate Member
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hi guys
I have found that working this way gives me a lot of rest and i dont overtrain, using glutamine and rest gives me a lot of energy to push intense everyworkout.
I dont have set up days, i train one day and take off the next.
Day 1
bench press 12-8-6 for warm up
then 3 sets of 4-6 reps
incline bench 3 sets of 6 reps
weighted dips 3 sets of 6-8
close grip dips on bench 3 sets of 6-8
pushdown 3 sets 8-10
Day 2
Chin ups 3sets of max
bent rowing 3 sets of 6
triangle pulldown 3 sets of 6
low pulley incline row 3 sets of 6
ez curl bar 3 sets of 6-8
dumbell curls 3 sets of 6-8
Day 4 rest
Day 5 i have rested my triceps for almost 3 days so now i can push myslef really heavy on the deltoids
Front military press warm up then 3 sets 6 (find that this exercice works not only the front deloid but the upper chest has well)
dumbell press 3 sets of 6
laterals 2-3 sets of 6-10 ( depending how i feel dont wanna overtrain the delts small muscle)
barbell shrugs 3 sets of 6-8
Dumbell shrugs 2-3 sets of 6-8
Day 6 off
Day 7
Squats warm up then 3-4 sets of 6-8
leg press and every 14 days substitute for DEADLIFTS 3 sets of 6
Stiff legged deadlifts 2-3 sets of 8-10
( I dont train legs more then this, if i put eveything little bite of intensity in my squats then i am ok)
Day 8 off and maybe 9 too depending how i feel.
Start back at day 1,
After 2 months i take a complete week off to rest the whole body, it gets stressed out a lot with the squats and deadlifts.
Well guess this is it what do you guys think.
08-22-2001, 06:30 AM #6Associate Member
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forgot to mention
i never do a workout more then 4 or 5 times, so after a month or so i change my exercices.
I always leave the bench press , squat and chins and rows somewhere but i do them at the end .
If i do chest then one workout i biggen with bench press the next week when i do it i am gonna go with incline bench.
Try to mix the exercices but i stay heavy all the time.
08-22-2001, 06:48 AM #7
I know it is good to swap and change your routine but I do not personally feel that performing it 4-5 times is enough to determine if it benefits you.
"If a routine works why change it milk it for all it is worth"
Arnie Schwarzenegger and who could argue that!!
08-22-2001, 06:55 AM #8Associate Member
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well yeah
I stick to the basics but change some exercices becose the body gets used to them, if i bench all year and dont do dumbell press then the body will get used to this exercice and adapt, so if i switch to db press once in a while it will get confused,,
For me it works i have tryed it.
08-22-2001, 06:58 AM #9
Some guys like to shock the body by performing a different workout every time, save getting stuck in the same old rut.
I personnally follow this philisophy too. Do you know how? Well I never lift the same weight as last week for the same number of reps......If I hit 10 last week I'll hit 12 this week, Also I put more LBS on the bar.
If you want to shock alternate two or three workout. I personnally have two Chest work out etc that I cycle. One week I go for
Bench Press
Incline D.B
Cables Xovers
The next week I go for
Incline Smith Press
Flat D.B Press
Incline Flies
Cable Xovers
This way I can always put more weight on the bar and by using my workout book I can track my progress.
I remember back when I started, hitting 110LBs on the Flat Bench for 10........boy did I smile. I do at least 140LBS now (as a light W/U) LOL!
08-22-2001, 07:11 AM #10
You do that as a warm up holy cow I,d b lucky if I do that max LOL
I do change the routine around what I do is change the order of the exc so if you have ten exc each body part or exc will take its turn at being first.
I have just started doing a new routine which is working well.
08-22-2001, 07:19 AM #11Associate Member
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well i do about the same thing big al
I do about the same thing big al,
i stopped doing cable i try to stick to the weights, my gym is very basic, like you see in arnolds bible of BB, we dont have a smith machine overthere, at my old gym we did and i loved doing incline press on it.
I do chest flat on the first workout then on the second i do it inclince.
I always lift heavy between 4-6 reps, 4 reps behing the max last set.
I used to train using 4 sets of 10 reps but my world was turned around when in went on the i read the max ot training workout, i add been lazy for 4 years not lifting heavy and having right elbow problems, but when i saw that i started training got my elbow checked out and bought some straps so now i strap it when i do heavy sets and i dont feel it anymore.
I always try to lift the heaviest weights warming up in a 12-10-8-6 format for the first exercice then my working sets look like this 2X6 and 1X4
this would be say bench press
then after hitting incline press i dont warm up anymore becose my muscles are already primed to go i do 3 X6
and same has for dips, i stopped using peck decks, cables and most isolation exercices.
Check it out the max ot program its worth it and it doesnt cost a cent.
Its complete.
Thats what is working for me, after trying max ot my bodyweight went from 185 pounds to 205 pounds in less then 3 months, i fine tuned my diet and now i am up to 212 took me maybe 6 months.
I am working toward 220 that will be my all time high at 5 feet 10, then i wanna work with this weight, getting my waste smaller but my muscles harder.
I dont train more then 1 hour each times either.
08-22-2001, 08:09 AM #12
What sort of b/f is that with bro?
08-22-2001, 08:21 AM #13Associate Member
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What means b/f billy boy sorry i never heard this expression
08-22-2001, 08:23 AM #14Associate Member
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If you wanna check the max ot training i am already registered the password is dymetadrine
08-22-2001, 08:28 AM #15Associate Member
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this is my routine
Guys remember that this is what works for me and may not for you, i have tried it and it has been working for about 8 months now.
All the other split on here are very good too, it just that after 13 years of training i got to learn how my body responds to training.
08-22-2001, 08:31 AM #16Mike Guest
During bulking cycle my routine looks like this:
*Cardio 40min
*Cardio 40min
*Cardio 40min
*Cardio 40min
So I work out everything twice except legs and calves - also I rotate a muscle on my shoulder day so one week I will have two days in which I work traps and the next week it will be two days in which I work my neck - these are the ONLY two muscle groups I have to consciously not over train because my neck and especially my traps get way too big - the ONLY muscles I actually think are 'too big' This is my training routine only on cycle as I don't believe I give myself enough recovery time if I am not using AS with this cycle. I do about 3-4 exercises per muscle group and usually 4 sets per exercise (a warm up of ten - then an 8-6-3) Stretching after every set.
08-22-2001, 08:32 AM #17Mike Guest
edraven - b/f means body fat
08-22-2001, 08:42 AM #18Associate Member
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sorry guys
ok sorry guys my bf is a little bite high 14% bf, i was at around 10% when i was about 190 pounds,,,, when i started training hard again i was eating a lot too 4500 cal a day at a lot of protein, this is why i took in fat and muscles.
Now i wanna shed some fat. But wanna keep the muscles that i have.
ok ok i have love handles too.......... but my girlfriend doesnt mind so its ok heheheh.
I dont really have good genetics to be naturally lean even when i started BB i was 138 pounds and couldnt see my abs so i guess that i dont have the while to diet down to 160 pounds just to have a six pack.
Be honest i started training becose i like the feeling of being big in a shirt, or suit, has long has my waist stays in the 34-36 inch range i am ok, at chrismas this year i was 40 inch and 225 that was to much.... way to much.
08-28-2001, 11:22 AM #19New Member
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At the moment:
from next monday i'll start a 2on 1off 3on 1off split.
08-28-2001, 12:14 PM #20
Mine is kinda like yours except a little backwards I do...
thats seems to work good for me I just changed it to that about 2 months ago.
08-28-2001, 02:31 PM #21
my split is usually
right now i'm doing sets of 3 sets of 10 with incresing weight on each set. usually 4-5 exercises permuscle group. i usually try to do at least 120 reps per muscle, concentrating on form first.
i'm bulky and am looking for some harder muscle
08-28-2001, 02:56 PM #22New Member
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ah...i've forgotten...I train Max-OT style (6-9 sets per muscle,4-6 reps)
09-01-2001, 08:19 PM #23
Here's mine.
Monday: Chest/Abs
Tuesday: Back/Bis
Wed:Off (Cardio)
Thursday: Legs/Forearms
Friday: Shoulders/Calves/Traps
Sunday:Off (Cardio)
I'm not that heavy so I don't do too much cardio, I'll be starting my first AS cycle soon. It's gonna be bulking, so what should i do about cardio. A little more or less? Or same? Sugg.?
09-02-2001, 05:17 AM #24Junior Member
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I don't know how some of you guys can train effectively on those routines, but if it works!
I saw routines where guys were doing heavy shoulder presses one workout, heavy bench presses the next, heavy tris a couple days later....what the hell???? If you blasted them all together they'd get more rest and wouldn't be so damn overtrained. Just my thoughts. Like I said, if it works, don't change a thing.
My philosophy?
Mike Mentzer's training philosophies all day!
I've read his articles and books and he just makes all the sense in the world to me. Some of you probably don't agree with his style, that's cool. Do what works for you. If you never heard of him or never bothered to read his you gotta check him out! You will be so influenced!
I opt for the ole' Push/Pull/Legs routine.
Push day Pull day Legs day
bench press bent row squats
close grips upright row calf raises
military press seated row (pull high)
dips shrugs
laterals stand.
laterals bent
db curls
rev pec dec
09-02-2001, 05:20 AM #25Junior Member
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Sorry bros!
That wasn't the way it looked when I typed it!
You don't want to know this routine anyway, you'd think it was too basic. But it does work. Peace.
09-03-2001, 09:05 AM #26
i trained push-pull for sometime, limited to only two workouts per week and short sessions, one set per exercise. My strenght increased and I put on some size. I personnally think everything works to a certain degree, variety is important, but I can grow on an abbreviated w/o or a a classic 3 set pyramid structure, only if my rest, recovery and diet is right.
09-03-2001, 06:41 PM #27Junior Member
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Big Al,
My philosophy is about parallel with yours.
Those brief, intense and heavy routines really do work don't they?! Love it!
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