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    IBdmfkr's Avatar
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    BD's Current Leg Routine

    Incase anyone is interested I've had a few different ppl inquiring on what I do for my "little" legs lol... Here's the current routine I'm doing with much success. In the past I used a 2day/wk approach to build the foundation (monday/quads, thurs/hams), now it is every 6days/bodypart EOD training.

    Here's my leg routines as of now.. Alternating weeks, keep in mind a lot of how your leg develops is genetics, same as any other bodypart.

    Week1 + 3:

    Hack squats - 5sets
    set 1 warmup - 1plate ~ 15 reps
    Set 2 warmup2 - 2plates ~ 12reps
    Set 3 First workset - 4plates ~ 10reps
    Set 4 2nd Workset - 5plates ~ 8reps
    Set 5 final set, long rest inbetween - 6plates ~ 4-8reps

    Leg Press - 4sets
    Set 1 warmup - 6plates ~15reps
    Set 2 moderate - 8plates ~10reps
    Set 3 heavy - 12plates ~ 8reps
    Set 4 superheavy - 13plates w/2 on top of machine ~ 6-8reps

    Weighted lunges - 3sets (almost dead by this time, legs shaking)
    (hold dumbbells in each hand using wrist wraps for grip, remember concentrating on quads/glutes)
    Set 1 moderate - 70lbs ea hand ~ 10reps each leg
    Set 2 heavy - 80lbs ea hand ~ 8reps ea leg
    Set 3 final set brutal - 100lbs ea hand ~ 4-6reps ea side

    At this time I go lay down or sitdown for 5minutes so I don't throw-up and so I can still walk to my car.

    Workout wks 2 + 4 SC's Swole Leg Routine! Great routine, PROPS to SC for this. It's a sticky for a reason, not only that look at the man's legs for cryin out loud! Here's the link btw for more indepth details:
    SwoleSquats! Look here for leg SIZE!
    [Volume training]
    Superset 5sets each
    Leg extension + leg curls high reps 5sets back to back
    Should have a good pump at this time, jump right over to the squat rack.
    Here I load up a light weight I can do 20times.
    5 sets of 20!
    set 1 - 135 x 20 reps (not so hard but feel the burn)
    set 2 - 135 x 20 reps (bit harder getting a bit winded)
    set 3 - 185 x 20 reps (oh shit why am I doing 2more sets?!) lol
    set 4 - 185 x 20 reps (I think I'm going to throw-up and die)
    set 5! - 225 x 20 reps (Why do I enjoy doing this to myself?!)

    Brutal workout for volume training, forcing blood into the muscle to spark growth.
    MAKE SURE you keep a good tempo on the squats going ALL THE WAY down parrallel and back up not locking your knees all the way out. 2seconds down, 1second up, NO PAUSE KEEP IT MOVING. This workout is one of the most brutal ever if done correctly, I usually get light-headed and have a hard time driving home, literally.

    Hope this helped some of you.. a great set of legs is NOT easy to come by, they take excruciating pain/work week-in and week-out.

    Goodluck, I have many more workouts for legs in my head but these are just the two I'm playing with now. Each is just as hard though, many ppl only come with me once for my leg routines and then I never see them again lmao!
    Last edited by IBdmfkr; 07-08-2006 at 12:11 PM.
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  2. #2
    1buffsob's Avatar
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    Look behind you.
    Very nice routine BD. The lunges at the end are killer. haha


  3. #3
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
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    Yep.. gotta take a little breather after that
    Usually switch up routines every 3months so when I do I'll update it.

  4. #4
    soccer#3's Avatar
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    looks painful like a m/f. im gonna try doin lunges wit dumbells.. i usually do mine wit a free bar. i also do SC's routine for hams and leg ext.

    what do u do for calves?

  5. #5
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
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    Calves on chest/leg days.
    Usually just switch up what I start with etc..
    Standing calf raises
    Seated calf raises
    Donkey calf raises
    legpress calf raises

    Usually 3 out of the 4 heavy one day and a bit lighter higher rep the 2nd day of the week.

    They're nothing special but a work in progress.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails BD's Current Leg Routine-img_3131.jpg  

  6. #6
    THE_DOME's Avatar
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    bd thanks bro i am going to hit this up next week

  7. #7
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
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    It's worked wonders so far. Everyone is different so you may have to make small changes along the way to fit your body/muscle type. I'm an extreme hardgainer so it takes serious punishment and adequate rest to get my body to grow.

    Btw for a few ppl who asked the rest of my split is as follows:
    Mon:Legs/calves(heavy low-rep)
    Wed:Chest/calves(lighter high-rep)

  8. #8
    guest589745 is offline 2/3 Deca 1/3 Test
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    You dont train biceps/triceps/delts/traps directly IBD?

  9. #9
    spound's Avatar
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    When you say 6 plates on hack squat, do you mean 6 plates per side? Or total? If you mean per side, then you have some SERIOUS power. DO you go ass to calves on your leg movements?
    I do and have found that is worked WONDERS for my quad and ham development.

  10. #10
    guest589745 is offline 2/3 Deca 1/3 Test
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    Yea, no braces, ass below parralel hits the quads hard when squatting. just warmup good.

  11. #11
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skullsmasher
    You dont train biceps/triceps/delts/traps directly IBD?
    Good question, knew someone would catch that
    I noticed by me training bi/tri/delts/traps Every other or Every 3rd week I can maintain their size/strength, that way it frees up more time for me to work on week point of my body, ex. Calves/back etc that will be much more important during my upcoming competition. Not everyone should do this ofcourse because my delts/tris are pretty predominant so that's how I get away with it. When bulking for next show I will switch things around a bit when I feel other bodyparts are caught up etc..

    Quote Originally Posted by spound
    When you say 6 plates on hack squat, do you mean 6 plates per side? Or total? If you mean per side, then you have some SERIOUS power. DO you go ass to calves on your leg movements?
    I do and have found that is worked WONDERS for my quad and ham development.
    yes, 6plates/side.. my legs are freakishly strong for my weight for some reason.. I just kept going up every other workout (I have two routines) and I kept getting stronger. I go all the way down on the hack with my feet placed high and tap the bottom on each rep.. pretty intense.. on leg press I go as deep as possible without pulling my lowerback off the seat.. many times i'll place squat bar pad under my lowerback for extra support. works well.

  12. #12
    guest589745 is offline 2/3 Deca 1/3 Test
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    I was waitin all ****in day for that response lol!!

  13. #13
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
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    hahah hope I didn't disappoint you

    I got legs tomorrow HEAVY! I can't wait!

  14. #14
    guest589745 is offline 2/3 Deca 1/3 Test
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    Not dissapointed I was just wondering why. I myself will never leave a bodypart out. I want everything to grow as consistantly as possilbe even if I am not 100% symetrical. I am not in a staeg where I am concerned with things like that yet. I want to grow, then refine after I am happy with my size.

    Thats cool that you "cant wait" I feel like that but moreso for my arms/chest days.

    I am still going to steal your legs one out......

  15. #15
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
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    haahahah, just keep hitting them.

    I'll post up my old leg routine sometime in the next day or two.. I'll edit the original post and add it there.
    It's a two day split (quads/mon + hams/thurs) that's how I developed my base, took me around 6-9months I believe.

  16. #16
    guest589745 is offline 2/3 Deca 1/3 Test
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    See, how do you do that without involving the other group at least SOMEWHAT to the point where it effects their performance on their own day?

    I am on a am/pm split that is working better for certain parts but not for others. My triceps are benefitting from this becuase I can do 20lbs more for reps on skullcrushers which is a big deal to me but, my biceps are too involved in my back routine for this to work for them (back am/ biceps pm). My friggin biceps will NOT GROW. just my delts, chest, hams and lats. Everything else just is almost stuck it seems.

  17. #17
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
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    You may be overtraining.. that's a likely cause for this.
    Especially if trying to train bi's too close after a heavy back workout.. I would never do that. Atleast 2-3days inbetween.

  18. #18
    guest589745 is offline 2/3 Deca 1/3 Test
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    I would really like an Idea of how to do that cause I seem to always be able to find a flaw in the routines I lay otu in an attempt to find the "perfect" one for me.

    Sorry if I missed it and you have told me before.

  19. #19
    guest589745 is offline 2/3 Deca 1/3 Test
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    Im only training 3x a week now (was 4). I really dont know how the **** I would overtrain but you may be right. I mena Im on 40mg naps/750 test and my diet is really good so I dunno.

    what do a split like:



  20. #20
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
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    I'll do something like this and alternate week to week each month:

    Week 1+3:
    Mon:Legs/calves(heavy low-rep)
    Wed:Chest/calves(lighter high-rep)

    Week 2+4: (this will throw everything off by a day or two, just roll with it)
    Mon:Legs/calves(heavy low-rep)
    Thurs:Chest/calves(lighter high-rep)
    Mon: Repeat week 1+3

    Depending on how I feel after arms/shoulder day I will sometimes take 2days off so it won't affect my chest routine.

  21. #21
    guest589745 is offline 2/3 Deca 1/3 Test
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    Yea thats what I was gonna say, yo would thin kit would fuk up yer chest day.

    I think I need to quit tryin to find one routine and just keep switching between 2 or 3 maybe...hmmmmm

    I like a lot of how you laid that out thoguh........

  22. #22
    Undecided09's Avatar
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    Similar to my quad day BD...mine is as follows...

    Machine Hack squat 8,6,4,6,4--->drop 50% weight, 30 reps

    Leg Press 6 sets 10-12 reps---->Superset with Leg Extensions 10-12 reps...

  23. #23
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
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    too many sets IMO.. up the intensity/weight and drop the sets down to 3-4/movement.. try it and see.. also replace extensions with lunges or another compound movement, STDL's are good too.

  24. #24
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    Who said they were all working sets?? aha! LOL, this has been very strenuous trust me, pumps are ridiculous, imagine that, pumps in ur legs! lol

  25. #25
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
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    If they aren't warmups they should be working sets in my book otherwise you're just wasting energy that could've been spared for useful set.

  26. #26
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    They are working for the most part, lol, i just like to antangonize....But its been a pretty good routine, I have a second quad day as well, this quad day really hits my tear drop and top...Plus the high volume really stimulates Testosterone release...hence my "Horny after Legs" AR loung thread! lol

  27. #27
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
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    lemme see the wheels then antangonist! LMAO Come on don't be shy!
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  28. #28
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    I'm not shy, Ill show u, they are coming along nicely....I think, lol...Hang on lemme charge the camera and then take a pic or two, they'll be up tonight, dont worry...

  29. #29
    soccer#3's Avatar
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    i tried doin dumbbell lunges, hated it... im stickin wit free bar

    when can we see the rest of ur routine
    Last edited by soccer#3; 07-12-2006 at 09:28 PM.

  30. #30
    Undecided09's Avatar
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    I kinda hate D-bell lunges too, hurts my arms, especially since I superset em with Step ups...So im holding on to those things for like 2 mins or more!!

  31. #31
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    u asked for it u got it BD...first two are from before I started bulking, and before I started my new BB routine in general...I know urs are better, but training experience, age, cycles, Im on the way!!!
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails BD's Current Leg Routine-secrest.jpg   BD's Current Leg Routine-seacrest.jpg   BD's Current Leg Routine-img_0459.jpg   BD's Current Leg Routine-img_0461.jpg  
    Last edited by Undecided09; 07-12-2006 at 10:44 PM.

  32. #32
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
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    Damn bro.. you been hiding them from us! lol Lookin great, keep it up and you'll have some sick wheels.. keep doin what you're doin.

    Anyone else that wants to post routine/training experience/with pics would be great.. Lets see some different routines and results so we will have something to choose from.

    btw, as of tonight.. 195 6-7%, 6.5wks out. Feel like my legs are freaking shriveling up as I drop weight!
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails BD's Current Leg Routine-img_3288.jpg  
    Last edited by IBdmfkr; 07-12-2006 at 11:02 PM.

  33. #33
    Liftnainez's Avatar
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    sup IBD.. quick question? When doing Hack Squats do you feel pressure on your knees? I just started incorporating Hacks in my leg routine.. I like them, but I feel my knees are taking a beating.. Its not like full on pain or anything of that sort, but I do feel pressure.. Do you feel pressure on your knees when doing hack squats? thanks alot bro

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by IBdmfkr
    Damn bro.. you been hiding them from us! lol Lookin great, keep it up and you'll have some sick wheels.. keep doin what you're doin.

    Anyone else that wants to post routine/training experience/with pics would be great.. Lets see some different routines and results so we will have something to choose from.

    btw, as of tonight.. 195 6-7%, 6.5wks out. Feel like my legs are freaking shriveling up as I drop weight!

    Thanks BD....Noticeable difference from the before bulking pics I think!! The development that has come and the muscles that have come out is the part that I am amazded at! Thanks!

    P.S. Liftin....I do hack squats with a 6 inch stance, really iso's the top of ur quad, and yes it puts pressure on my knees too, especially when ur feet are that close, but I don't feel any ill effects after they are done, so it seems to be ok!

  35. #35
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
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    You have to be careful with hacks and do them moderately, same as sissy squats. When doing hacks with an extremely heavy weight I move my feet to a shoulder width stance at the top of the platform and really concentrate in pushing up from my core (hard to explain).. it helps take the tension off knees when you really concentrate on moving the weight from within. You'd have to lift with me, this I cannot explain.

  36. #36
    Liftnainez's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Undecided09
    Thanks BD....Noticeable difference from the before bulking pics I think!! The development that has come and the muscles that have come out is the part that I am amazded at! Thanks!

    P.S. Liftin....I do hack squats with a 6 inch stance, really iso's the top of ur quad, and yes it puts pressure on my knees too, especially when ur feet are that close, but I don't feel any ill effects after they are done, so it seems to be ok!
    thanks for the tip bro.. btw quads looking good bro

  37. #37
    Liftnainez's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IBdmfkr
    You have to be careful with hacks and do them moderately, same as sissy squats. When doing hacks with an extremely heavy weight I move my feet to a shoulder width stance at the top of the platform and really concentrate in pushing up from my core (hard to explain).. it helps take the tension off knees when you really concentrate on moving the weight from within. You'd have to lift with me, this I cannot explain.
    I sort of have an idea about what your talking about.. I will try my feet more spread apart next time.. thanks for the help bro..

  38. #38
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
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    Lets see some more pics, routines.. I like to get new ideas and see different approaches.

    Please, Keep 'em coming.

  39. #39
    Undecided09's Avatar
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    For my second quad day I do this BD....

    Back Squats...8,6,4,6,4--->Drop set, 50% OF 4 rep weight for 30!!!

    Lateral Step ups 10-12 reps 4 sets---->Superset D-bell Lunges 10-12 reps 4 sets

    Then I do a core superset....

    More pics!!
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails BD's Current Leg Routine-img_0463.jpg   BD's Current Leg Routine-img_0462.jpg  

  40. #40
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
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    Look good! Haven't done many reverse hack squats.. have to give them a run. Step ups as well, more of volume training it seems.

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