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Thread: I ran a mile!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Pasadena, Texas

    I ran a mile!

    Hey gang,

    This might be no big deal for some of you, but today just to see if i could, i ran a mile on the treadmill.. I am sooo stoked!!!

    I have never been able to run that far without being out of breath and about to die, The running was smooth and my heart rate wasnt very far from my cardio target.

    Hehe im so excited about seeing my body change, and my endurance change!

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    east windsor, NJ
    dude good shit red. Same thing with e. Months ago it used ot take me 15 min to run a mile, I used to be soo out of breath after. Last week. I hot a mile in 9 MIN.!!!!!!!! and i lifted after no problem!! Man was sooooo happy. I am determined to get my mile to 6 min now. I love it. I used ot hate cardio with a passion, now i am all into it. I might even take a month off of lifting, and just do cardio for a month start to cut up.. yah know??

    good shit man, we'll be marathon runners after no time. lol

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Right on Buddha

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Good sh*t Buddha! Glad tto hear that your making progress. Keep up the hard work!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Pasadena, Texas
    thanks gang!

    Darkknight442 : Congrats on the work bro! I hear ya, i hate cardio but the running isnt so bad. I have to work on increasing my distance/time but as long as im improving ill take it hehe

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Miller's Crossing
    Good job bro. I have problems with running from smoking for 9 years so i know how much of a bitch it can be. Not to mention the fact that cardio sucks to begin with.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Pasadena, Texas
    i hear ya, i smoked for 12 years but luckly i think i recovered. i quit two years ago and my lung fuction seems to be ok.

    heh i liked running today but i have grown to HATE walking on the treadmill...

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    east windsor, NJ
    Yeah buddha i am serious when the timer soounde don that machine and i looked down, and i said 1. whatever miles in 9 min, it was like a natural high bro. ic ould not belive it. I wa sliek holy shit man. It feel sooo good, i run befor every wrok out now, same as you i wanna increase my distance and decrease my time. lol. Seriosu man me and you in the next olympics. lol.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Congrats Buddha_Red, and same goes for Darkknight442. I've been putting off my running for quite some time now, the last 2 weeks and including today as I'm still trying to kick a nasty sinus infection and wicked cough. It's so awesome to be able to beat your old times and distances, right now I'm running a solid 8 min mile, and suprisingly my heart rate shoots right back down to resting within maybe 1-2 min at most in all honesty. I'm hoping to get my time down to around a 6-7 min mile, definately know that if i really push myself I can do it. Again, way to go and keep everybody posted on your progress!!!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Great work. To me its hitting the small goals like running a mile that makes it worth it! Congats again!

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    east windsor, NJ
    thanks guys for the encouragment, its a real encouragement. everyones always makjing fun of me cause i am the slwoest. I never put that much effort into it cause of that, but now i am gonna beat all their asses.

    Hey buddha or anywone, does anyone see a difference in their runnign on the road as too on the trad mill. I cannot run on the road, i think it has somehting to do woth pacing myself. Caus ei love the treadmill, but i would love to start jogging on the road. But everytime i try, it hink i run to fast and can't teell, and by the time i get to the end of my block i am tired. Any suggestions??

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Great job! I know what it's like to reach goals especially in running. I used to run in HS (mile and 2mile). If you ran 1mile on the treadmill then I'm sure you can run faster and farther on a road. Running outside is always faster and better cuz you don't have a machine limiting your speed. Take you car and measure out a mile or 1/2 mile around a neighborhood. Time yourself and you'll see what I'm talking about.

    Keep it up and if anybody wants specific running programs then pm me and I'll give you a workout.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    east windsor, NJ
    cool, thanks kid

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Boston, MA
    Good job Buddha! Keep me posted on your progress, bro!

  15. #15
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Keep up the good work! That next 50pds will be gone before you know it. Now you can shoot for 2 miles?!?! Take care.

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    east windsor, NJ
    Yo buddha, after a week off from the gym Man i busted my ass. htought i could runa t 7 miles anhour the whole time, i had to keep slowing down every couple of mins. lol But i still got the mile in under 10. it was like 9.15 or omehting. Still wanna work on that though

  17. #17
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Pasadena, Texas
    Hell bro!

    that is still awesome! keep going! Your doing awesome!

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    east windsor, NJ
    what times are you running? I wanna keep working on it

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    Pasadena, Texas

    i just ran a mile on my apartment's treadmill.. i did it in 9:30 but it was in KPH and i wasnt in the mood to convert heh

    when i go to the gym tonight i will record my speed.

    Its a trip, the mile isnt as hard as i thought it was. im quite sure i can do atleast 2 miles before getting tired. its a trip cause i am no where near in shape.

    Im the same, im going to keep working on it, i will make sure to post my times and i will keep reading yours. You help modivate me and i am thankful for that bro

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    east windsor, NJ
    yeha hell yeah buddha. We'll work on it together. My problm is pace. I gotta keep it to like 6.5 the hwole time Not burn myself out at 9 mph/ for a min then slow down to 4.5 for 2 min, yah know?

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    Pasadena, Texas
    I hear ya, Im thinking about sticking to one speed for a week at a time.

    I really havent figured out how fast i can run without burning out.
    I know where im at is a bit easy so i will try to push myself for an 8 min mile first.

    i figure as long as we keep getting better, its all good

  22. #22
    Join Date
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    east windsor, NJ
    i think i can run for 10 straight min at 6 mph which i think is a mile. o i have to try and run at 7 for a litte while. id unno, just want to get faster and be bale to go longer. but then again isn't that everymans goal. lol

  23. #23
    Join Date
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    Pasadena, Texas
    I hear ya,

    Im wanting to get down to some serious hauling ass. My goal one day is to hit the mile in 4 mins.. thats a long way off but im one of those guys that needs goals 24/7

  24. #24
    Join Date
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    east windsor, NJ
    yeah i hear yeah. i am like that. DOn't always get to them but they Aare nice to have. thats funny cause wanna get mine down to 5 min. Lol My girl is nuts she runs at 12 mph for like 25 min. i'll be working out and i'll come back to her and she is stillr unning. fucking crazy shit

  25. #25
    Join Date
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    Pasadena, Texas
    For some reason my time wasnt what i thought it was. if i run at 5mph i dont come near 9:30

    i ran at 5.5-6.3 this morning and got it down to 10:30 which sucks bigtime. But im running a mile every day and i will slowly get better just hard figuring out a best plan for this.

    im thinking increasing every few days, whats your progression plan look like?

  26. #26
    Join Date
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    east windsor, NJ
    i ran yest but it wasn't ass good as befor. i got it in 10 min. But as far as i can fig, (i dunno if there are any mathmaticians in here) but if you run for 6 mpoh an hour you will reach a mile in 10 min. Thats 10 min startight at 6mph. So i am huessing to get it don to an even 9 you have to go at 6.5 to 7 for the mile in under 10 min. see my problm is, 6 mph is kinda slow, so what i do sometiems is run at 6 for th first min then i'llk bump iit upp to 8 or 9 for a min or two anbd then tire out drop fdown to 5 for a min. It is too erratic. My ex wa slike you have to try and stay constant. So whati am gonna do today or tomm is try and run for 6.5 mps the whole mile. cause it really doesn't do shit i think if you run fast then slow fast then slow, yah know?? So i wanna try and get it down to a constant. I find htough i need osmeone to talk to or music or TV (headphones) cause if i am just running bymyself, i find i keep looking down at the time, and it makes it seem longer.

    Also what do you warm up at. I walk/jog for 1 min or 2 min i see what distance i am at and i just add that into the time. so if at 1 min i have reached .25 miles i start running and say i have to get to 1.25 miles by the 11 min mark. i just find it easier that way.

    Yah know another thing if orget is, I have long legs and i always forget to use them. yah know. Like i find when i make a conciopus effort to take long strides i get tired less easily and do more. Its true what they say uyou gotta lift your knees when yoiuy run

    keep me posted BR

  27. #27
    Join Date
    May 2002
    haha i used to run the mile, now my coach makes me run the half and its a sprint, be greatful your running a jog lol

  28. #28
    Join Date
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    Pasadena, Texas
    ahh but i would gladly trade the jog for being able to sprint a half a mile hehe

    but for a fat boy im comming along =)

  29. #29
    Join Date
    May 2002
    hehe i guess, at least your not a skinny runner, neither am i so we get all the hot running shicks cuz we got the guns

  30. #30
    I second Vegas Kid's advice. If you can run outside (ideally on grass or trails) or even on concrete, it's a better workout and, at least in my experience, easier on your knees and back over the long term....

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    You guys need to stop worrying about what speed you're running at and worry more about how you feel. Don't get obsessed with that stupid timer on the treadmill. Get on a road and time yourself, you'll be amazed how much faster you can go. There's no way in hell that anybody can run a 4 min mile on a treadmill, EVER!

  32. #32
    Join Date
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    Pasadena, Texas
    thats good advice.

    I am just trying to get used to running. I am still fat so i have a way to go before i can even talk about a 4 min mile.

    I plan on timing myself on the road as soon as i feel the mile isnt a problem.

    I need to work on my time for a mile and two miles.. but im thinking 8:30 will be easy if i get off the treadmill for the mile.

    thanks for the advice, i will surely remember it

  33. #33
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    I respect that you have goals but a 4min mile is a truely amazing feat. This is a top notch time so you might want to try and break 6 then 5 before shooting right to 4. I ran a 4:47 in HS and I thought that was the shit! I got my ass kicked at state by a guy who ran 4:21.

  34. #34
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    May 2002
    they guy for state this year ran a 4:11 mile and a state record 2 mile 8:57, i think that was the time, it was a state record and damn fast to

  35. #35
    Join Date
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    Pasadena, Texas
    wow too nice!

    heh im shooting for 6 mins :P

    Im still dogging it at 10 mins a mile every day at 6MPH. I just hate trying to run extra fast on a treadmill.

    As soon as i replace my heart monitor i will be hitting the road and see what i come out at.

  36. #36
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Since you say that you run everyday on the treadmill....How do you knees feel??, any soreness or inflamation?, after I run like 3 days in a row on a treadmill my knees are shot

  37. #37
    Join Date
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    Pasadena, Texas
    Believe it or not my legs love it.

    I run it 5 days a week and not one bit of soreness at all.

    im kinda supprised. i have had trouble with my knees in the past but i guess it was because of my weight.

  38. #38

    Thumbs up My first day of cardio !

    Good job Buddah_Red ! I just did my 1st day of cardio yesterday. Me and my workout partner went to a track by his house. We would walk 1 lap and jog 2 laps. We ended up doing 13 laps total like that = 3 1/4 miles. (8 of them we jogged = 2 miles ) It makes a good start. I also am gonna hop on the stationary bike . What else do you guys and gals do for your cardio??

  39. #39
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Pasadena, Texas
    Great job Iron Brother!!

    I stick mainly to jogging/running and walking. I just hate the stairmasters and the bikes.

    For now i have added a random hill program to my jogging. Im trying to build stamina so i do the random from 0%-10% and i jog it at 5mph.

    Isnt a fast jog but it feels good and my feel awesome when im running uphill. i gotta dig deep after the weights but i know im working.

    keep us posted bro!

  40. #40

    Thumbs up Uphill !!

    WoW ! Keep it up. Uphill that would kill me. Once we get better with the breathing were gonna do 5 yard lines! You go to a football field and start on the goal line (sprint to the 5 yard line then sprint back to the goal line and then sprint to the 10 yard line & sprint back to the goal line and so on until you can do the whole football field and back. (no rest) We did these when I played high school football (double sessions) They were so brutal I will never forget that & I'm 31 now. I figure I will tell ya all about them so you can give it a shot if ya DARE. *LOL* Excellent topic BUDDAH_Red we can all talk about are cardio routines on this post And how we are progressing! Keep it up all !!

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