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Thread: After looking through others routines - Am I simply overtraining?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Staten Island/Tampa

    After looking through others routines - Am I simply overtraining?

    I never thought I overtrained considering after a workout I always felt I could go more but just limited myself. Here is currently what I do on a weekly basis - with all inputs Id could be that Im overtraining and I could possibly use a new routine. Here it is...

    Day 1 - Chest/Abs
    1 set = 12,10,failure(5-8)
    3 sets - Dumbell Bench Press
    3 sets - Dumbell Incline Press
    3 sets - Decline Flys
    3 sets - Cable Flys

    3 sets - Cable Crunches
    3 sets - Decline Weighted Crunches

    Day 2 - Back/Traps

    3 sets - Widegrip Lat Pulldown
    3 sets - Closegrip Pulldown
    3 sets - Bentover Barbell Rows
    3 sets - Dumbell Rows
    5 sets of Lowerback excercises
    (No deadlifts due to - cant bend lower back)
    3 sets - Dumbell Shrugs
    3 sets - Behind the back Barbell shrugs

    Day 3 - Legs

    5 sets - Smith Squats
    3 sets - Standing Calf Raises
    3 sets - Leg Raises
    3 sets - Hamstring Curls
    Burnout on Lunges

    Day 4 - Rest

    Day 5 - Shoulders/Traps/

    4 sets - Military Press
    3 sets - Front Dumbell Raises
    3 sets - Side Dumbell Raises
    3 sets - Rear Delts

    3 sets - Barbell Shrugs

    Day 6 - Bis/Tris/Forearms

    3 sets - Overhead Tricep Dumbell Extension
    3 sets - Barbell Curls
    3 sets - Closegrip Bench
    3 sets - Sitted Hammer Curls
    3 sets - Tricep Kickbacks
    3 sets - Reverse Curlbar curls
    Burnout on one arm cable Curls

    Rest for 1 day and then repeat.

    I do AM cardio on an empty stomach and 20 - 30 minutes postworkout cardio as well. Im currently cutting and have seen decent results. If anyone can offer any adice it would be great

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    I'm not sure bro, I do even more than you do - so I must be overtraining right?? I think if you eat enough throughout the day then you should be okay. Contrary to popular opinions, the pre-workout meal is much more important that the post-workout meal. Make sure you eat a very good meal with protein and a mix of simple and complex carbs about 45min-1 hour before your workout.

  3. #3
    everyone's bodies are different bro, what could be too much and overtraining for one person might not be enough for another. Your body can really be the only one that tells you whether your overtraining or not. If you find your still sore after 72hours then that might be a sign your doing too much or if your constantly tired.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Down South
    some people say this: theres no such thing as overtraining, just undereating..
    to me I dont think your going way overboard.. each person is diff.. I know some things which I respond to better than others.. I say always try something for yourself.. one of my good buddies hits everything 2 times per week with only 48-72 hours rest and he has made some very good gains.. Sometimes I tell him I think hes overtraining and hes says "its working for now so why stop" to each his own..

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    in a dilapidated apt.
    i do a lot of work. i never post workouts cause some people think i over train. but a will take a few weeks in a midbulker and train with less exercises and... bang bang. growth. and when i hit teh normal training again growth continues it seems. you have to find what works for you and stick it.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Staten Island/Tampa
    Well see thats the thing, I rarely get sore after workouts, only legs. The only time I get sore is when I do 6 more sets on top of what ive listen above.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    do less sets, but push yourself extra hard on each set. whether I do 10 sets or 30 sets, I make sure i work hard enough to wear I will be sore for 2-3 days - be it arms, chest, back, or legs.

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