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Thread: How did you form your routine?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2002

    How did you form your routine?

    I want to get a new routine going, and was just wondering where you guys got your inspiration/base for your routine? Like from a book, magazine, fellow member, etc....

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    My job is sort of demanding so i planned out my routine according to the days i always have off. For example - I do legs on Tuesday. If i had to work on wednesday, i would be f^cking useless!

    Deads on friday so i declared saturday the official D.A.D.(day after deadlifts)..... saturday = rest.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2005
    just through doing it. talking to others, see what works. my rountine is so much different than when i started.

    like for ex. when i started i did boxflew for several years. before i started the free-weights. and thats really when i start counting the years. i trained everything 2-3 times per week, with so many sets. after reading arnolds book, thats kinda all i knew. i remember going for 20 sets for biceps. i dont know how long this went on. 2-3 months of freeweights like this, no rest days. and you realize that it just doesnt work, so you screw around with it.

    id ask for advice from anyone that would give it.
    i was so eager for any tips.

    and now i think i train effectively. through aquiring 2 national certifications, and several years of a fitness degree.

    sorry for the long post, i just kinda had a flash back. but yeah, id ask everyone you see whos in better shape than you. and even if it sounds stupid atleast listen to them, cause hey what i started on. worked for arnold.

  4. #4
    mixture of my track and soccer workouts and copying friends

  5. #5
    t - nation . com has some great articles on strength training.

    Dave Tate is a great author for powerlifters.
    Joe DeFranco has a great article for athletes who want to put on muscle.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Just trial and error, it took me a long time to realise that volume training for me is a very bad idea and a big waste of time !!! For example for chest I went from four excercies, 8-12 reps and five sets per excercise. The two excercises of 25 reps warmup, 1 set 2 reps, 1 set 2 reps, 1 set 3 reps maximum weights and then 1 set 25 reps to total failure and this kills me ten times worse than the volume I was doing
    Last edited by Kale; 07-21-2006 at 07:00 PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    I listened to all the advice people gave me, then did the complete opposite!

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