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Thread: Pain while squatting

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Los Angeles, CA

    Pain while squatting

    I feel pain around the right side of my thigh close to my pelvis whenever i do heavy squat and/or deadlift. I can't really pinpoint the pain but it's around the top area of the outter part of my glutes. The pain is more of a soreness type of pain, but it begins as soon as i finish my first set of heavy lift and it usually is at its worst as soon as i rack the weight and let go of the bar. The feeling also stays for a few days.

    Has anyone experienced anything like this?? if so, please help me out here. Shit's really starting to piss me off

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Los Angeles, CA


    Sorry..i think i shoulda posted this in the injury bad...but feel free to reply if you can help me out...thanks

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Hmm sound similar to my on-cycle lower back pumps. I get a similar (very uncomfortable even painful) sensation on my outer lower back / high glutes. I find that supplementing with taurine combats this very well.

    This might not work for the pain you are feeling but it is worth a try because taurine is pretty cheap and being in pain sucks!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    it could vbe the way your positioning your legs... did you change anything recently?? does the px. refer down into your leg? cause it may be more than a muscle problem.. could a be a compressed nerve.. TFL contracture.. lots of different possibilities

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