Ok, I have been out of the gym for about 2 years. I'm 6'3, 273 lbs, and roughly 18-20% BF. I was 210lbs @ 10% BF prior. I have done one cycle in my past, which was T200, EQ, and Winny. My before/after cycle pictures are on this board under my old username "LookingToCut". I have decided to stay gear free for the rest of my life. Heres my scenario :
I have been back in the gym hard for about 5 weeks now. I feel better, I'm definitely stronger, and I feel I look better and clothes fit better, however, I have not dropped ANY weight! I know you are going to say your diet is prolly out of wack, but its not! I'm using my same diet I used previously to get to 210 @ 10% BF.
Meal 1 - Protien shake, cup of oatmeal
Meal 2 - Chicken breast, brown rice or salad
Meal 3 - Post workout Protien Shake
Meal 4 - Chicken or Steak with either brown rice or a healthy whole wheat carb
Meal 5 - Fruit, Cottage Cheese, Cashews, or some form of snack
Usually my last meal is about 7:00 PM, and I do not eat again before bed. As you can see, I pretty much live off protien shakes and chicken and oatmeal!
I'm basically lifting 5x per week, and doing 30 min cardio sessions ( walking on treadmil @ incline, eliptical, or bike ) also 5x per week post workouts.
I have been taking Zoloft for the past few years for anxiety/depression and its known for weight gain, and I have just completely tapered off ( under doctor supervision ) completely as I feel I don't need to rely on any medication and I'm strong enough to keep moving on my own! Hopefully I drop some weight from that.
Any ideas? Is my thyroid ****ed up? I don't sweat as much in the gym either as I used to. Maybe I'm just not working out hard enough? I don't get it.
I am moving back to Florida in 4 months, and trying to look as good as I possibly can by the time I get down there ( beaches , pools, etc )
I've been busting my ass, but really not seeing any ACTUAL weight loss on the scale!
I'm a good size, I really just want to lose bf% and tone up, thats why I'm not going crazy with the cardio. But I feel I'm doing enough to be losing weight!
P.S. I'd post a picture but that would be painful to you guys!![]()