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  1. #1
    unvme9180's Avatar
    unvme9180 is offline Associate Member
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    need help for my Bi's

    It seems that everyone has a stubborn muscle. Well I think mine are my biceps. I cant seem to make noticable size gains in them. I have gotten stronger but I cant get size on them. I have made very nice gains in my chest, back, tri's, shoulders and traps. My workout split looks like this:

    Day 1 - Back and traps
    Day 2 - Bi's and tri's
    Day 3 - off
    Day 4 - Legs and abs
    Day 5 - Chest and shoulders
    Day 6 - off

    Then repeat, starting over with back and traps. I would say that 9 times out of 10 I will priortize bi's and do them first in my workout. I try to not do the same exact exercises every time so I mix it up as much as I can. A couple of typical bi workouts would look like this:

    Workout 1
    EZ curl - 75x10, 95x8, 95x8
    Seated curl/incline curls - 30x10, 35x8, 35x8
    Hammer curls w/rope on cable machine - 70x10, 80x8, 80x8
    Double bi curls on cable x-over - 40x10, 50x10, 50x10

    Workout 2
    Dumbell Curls - 30x10, 35x8, 40x6-8
    Dumber Hammer curls - 30x10, 35x8, 35x8
    Preacher Curl machine - 60x10, 70x8, 75x8
    One arm cable curls - 40x12, 50x10, 50x8

    Also, I usually do one warm up set of whatever bi exercise I do first. So my first exercise will usually have a total of 4 sets instead of 3. Any advice you can give is appreciated. If I left something out or you want to know anything else just let me know.

  2. #2
    a-bomb83's Avatar
    a-bomb83 is offline New Member
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    my first guess would be overtraining. 12 working sets? way too much. 108 reps...not including your warm ups, man thats too much volume if you're wanting to grow. don't you think all that stuff is repetitive? why are you expending all that energy on such a low weight? why not, for example, warm up first. make sure you're ready to hit the heavy weight. then we'll use your workout 2 dumbell curls first for example. you're warmed up and ready to go, first work set will be the 40's for about 10 (or until failure). you'll rest for about 20-30 seconds, pick the 40's back up and go until failure again which should be about 6-8 reps, rest again for about another 20 seconds. pick them back up and do them to failure which should be in the 3-6 range. that is what we call Rest Paused. then maybe, MAYBE do another bicep exercise in the same manor, but if you include negatives and/or static holds, you shouldn't need another exercise. so thats one work set, RP for about 18-20 reps. thats all you need, and if you include statics AND negatives, tell me you're not sore the next couple days....OFF ONE WORK SET! hard to believe, huh? try it out and see.

  3. #3
    Andorious's Avatar
    Andorious is offline Associate Member
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    i agree w/ a-bomb tht its too many sets. i stick to 3 exercises adding up to 10 sets for a bi day. as well i woulnt be training bi's after my back day. ur bi's will be hit somewhat on the back day and need a bit of recovery time.

  4. #4
    unvme9180's Avatar
    unvme9180 is offline Associate Member
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    so less sets, lower reps, and higher weight. will definetly try this on saturday when I hit bi's.

  5. #5
    a-bomb83's Avatar
    a-bomb83 is offline New Member
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    did you understand the RP thing i tried to explain? do that (with a heavy weight you can get for 18-20 reps rest paused, it could be 50lbs, who knows, only you know that) one exercise only RP and include negatives and statics. do you know what negatives and statics are? ill explain them if you dont' know what they are.

  6. #6
    unvme9180's Avatar
    unvme9180 is offline Associate Member
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    yes, i understood the RP method you are talking about. im familiar with negatives but not sure about static. definetly appreciate the help.

  7. #7
    Triple X's Avatar
    Triple X is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andorious
    i agree w/ a-bomb tht its too many sets. i stick to 3 exercises adding up to 10 sets for a bi day. as well i woulnt be training bi's after my back day. ur bi's will be hit somewhat on the back day and need a bit of recovery time.
    hit the nail on the head here

  8. #8
    felixno9 is offline Junior Member
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    I'd like to hear about static. what is it and how do you do it. It sounds interesting. and can you do it on anymuscle part or jsut bi's?

  9. #9
    Fletch3138's Avatar
    Fletch3138 is offline Associate Member
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    I'm not one big on dedicating arms to a whole full workout. I like to do tri's/chest and back/bi's. I agree that overtraining could be the issue for you not seeing the results that you are looking for as well.

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