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Thread: no endurance

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2003

    no endurance

    In the last few months, I have had trouble getting through my routines. Example: today I did 4x10 deadlifts, 3x10 each leg lunges, and 3x10 leg curls topped off with 4x15 calves (keeping it concise). I tried to do 4 sets of everything, but I just can't. I feel worn the f- out after my first couple of sets, and feel like I need to rest forever in between sets even though I keep it at 2 minutes. The same holds true for other days. I only lift 3 times a week, take in around 4000 calories, 26 yrs old, 180lb, 6'3", eat reasonibly healthy, and take my vitamins, have been off cycle for a year. I feel like I can't quite reach muscular failure, because my body gives out first. Does this make any sense? I can fatigue small muscles ok, but the compound lifts and larger muscles are hard to fully tax because I can't last long enough. I try to get those last few reps, my muscle still feels like its got a little left, but my body just runs out of gas. I will leave the gym feeling like I just got my ass kicked, and then not really feel like moving around much for about an hour afterward. Should I see a doc? Hit some cardio? I am never really breathing all that heavy after each set except on leg days, and I do sprint short distances at work 3 days a week. Any suggestions?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    damn 4x10 deadlifts jesus! overkill i say,not to mention they are a very taxing exercise that causes a certain amount of damage(micro tears) to your lumbar that needs to recover,this is why i do 1 set 3x a week instead of 3 sets straight,you put yourself at risk of arching your back or general bad form doing too many sets imo.

    drop sets to 3 and dont put deads with legs this will help.good luck.

  3. #3
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
    Doc.Sust is offline Retired "hall of famer/elite powerlifter"
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    Dec 2004
    a van down by the river!
    4x10 on the deadlift????WTF??? no no no. that is overtraining,it is no wonder you are fatigued, good rule of thumb, for the dead,no more than 5-6reps for 5 sets . you are def. overtraining

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    These deadlifts are fairly light though. My body does not have the best leverage for deadlifts, so I have been starting out with higher reps and less weight. Plus, I have weak lumbars, so I figured I would give them a chance to catch up. 2 months ago I was doing 4x8 with 135-145. Now I do the same with about 205. I would think that if I were over training, then I would not be still gaining stength 2 months down the line. Am I wrong? I think when you guys do those 3 set 5-6 rep deads your reps are probably referring to the heavy, high-intensity pulls that take everything you've got for each rep. Plus, isn't it true that 5-6 reps are better suited for strength, and 8-10 are more geared toward size and strength? Please correct me if I am wrong.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    well I have to agree with around 4-6 for 5-6 sets, but your question is endorance. So try doing cardio and get that up higher so you have the energy to get through your workouts with out feeling DEAD tired. Maybe do hits, sprints, something quick and don't spend a lot of time on it, you don't want cardio to loose fat, just to get yourcardiovascular up.
    good luck. p.s. i usually take a longer break myself, 3-5 minutes depending how i feel, I would rather get a good full set in and take a bit longer break, that might help also

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Thanks for the advice. I believe I have figured out the problem: caffeine. In the last few months I have been taking in alot of it. Between summer school, lifting, and running at work, I sometimes drink 3 rockstars throughout the day (way to much). I never go a day without at least one. I think that because my adrenal glands have been on overdrive for so long that they are severely depleted. This must be why I feel worn the f- out after just a few sets. Today I did flat bench first. 4x10 reps. My first 2 sets felt good, but the last few reps of my 3rd and 4th sets felt really hard to complete. It's hard to describe the feeling, but it is nothing like the normal muscle fatigue that I used to feel. After reading up on caffeine induced adrenal fatigue, I have decided to quit caffeine cold turkey. I'll be doin 20 rep deads again in no time!
    Last edited by Sust Man; 08-09-2006 at 08:52 PM.

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