In the last few months, I have had trouble getting through my routines. Example: today I did 4x10 deadlifts, 3x10 each leg lunges, and 3x10 leg curls topped off with 4x15 calves (keeping it concise). I tried to do 4 sets of everything, but I just can't. I feel worn the f- out after my first couple of sets, and feel like I need to rest forever in between sets even though I keep it at 2 minutes. The same holds true for other days. I only lift 3 times a week, take in around 4000 calories, 26 yrs old, 180lb, 6'3", eat reasonibly healthy, and take my vitamins, have been off cycle for a year. I feel like I can't quite reach muscular failure, because my body gives out first. Does this make any sense? I can fatigue small muscles ok, but the compound lifts and larger muscles are hard to fully tax because I can't last long enough. I try to get those last few reps, my muscle still feels like its got a little left, but my body just runs out of gas. I will leave the gym feeling like I just got my ass kicked, and then not really feel like moving around much for about an hour afterward. Should I see a doc? Hit some cardio? I am never really breathing all that heavy after each set except on leg days, and I do sprint short distances at work 3 days a week. Any suggestions?