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Thread: Can just eating clean give you good results?

  1. #1

    Can just eating clean give you good results?

    34 y/o male who's never lived up to or near his potential. I always get the comment that I would be huge if only I was cut. The only supplements I take are whey protein powder and protein bars when I finished a workout or I'm hungry. The thought of taking something always crosses my mind but the few people I mention it to always tell me to start eating better and I'll see results.

    If I want to see results how much cardio is recommended for me? I do anywhere from 30-50 minutes 4-5 times a week depending how often I workout. Currently I'm 5ft 8 inches and weigh around 195-200lbs with a size 34 waist. Would rather weigh 170-175lbs. Not striving for a six-pack but wouldn't mind trying for a 2 pack or 4pack.

    Any advice from experts would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    in a dilapidated apt.
    look at the cutting sticky atop the diet forum. eating clean will give you results yes. add quality cardio to the equation and you have a fat burning machine. read up and research here. post your prospected diet in the diet forum for critique and post your cardio and training plan here for critique as well. when all are ready your results will come bro. good luck

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    30mins a day 4-5 days a week is good.just eat a little less carbs and try not to eat after 7pm.

  4. #4
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
    Doc.Sust is offline Retired "hall of famer/elite powerlifter"
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    a van down by the river!
    your cardio is fine, stay consistent and clean up you diet, cut back onall carbs and try to only take in lower glycemic carbs and you wil drop weight

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