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  1. #1
    Tapout's Avatar
    Tapout is offline Senior Member
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    why i train 3 days per week heavy and intense

    i have been asked about my training program and why i train 3 days per week and how i got such good results from it.
    first-- i trained 6 days per week when i started and was young and got to a sticking point that no matter what cycle i did could not get any bigger. i got frustrated and dropped my training down to 4-5 days per week and started growing again. close to a couple of years ago i was stuck at 220 area and could not get bigger and i remembered about my one sticking point so i changed my workout and went to a training program approx 80% of power lifter training and 20% bodybuilder training and only 3 days per week. and now i'm 242 area.
    how or why do i believe this worked?
    first-- a shock to body
    second --due to age easy to overtrain
    third and formost-- wanted to train
    when you go everyday sometimes it becomes a chore or like a job and you dont feel like training or you dont train hard. but when you go only 3 days(sometimes 4) per week you cant wait to train and you miss it. you hit the weights harder and heavier and train with more intensity. how the body grows is you hit it hard and it says holy shit(i've heard it say that)i got to get bigger and stronger just in case he does this again(overcompensation) and then you give it all the rest,food,juice and time it needs to grow.
    so this is why i believe it worked for me and why i suggest alot to people to drop some days and get more rest but train intense and heavy when in the gym and when at home resting visualize yourself growing no matter what your doing. i think i just gained a lb of muscle putting up this thread.

  2. #2
    sav22's Avatar
    sav22 is offline Associate Member
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    I appreciate you posting what you do in the weight room. I'm looking to switching up my routine because it's getting quite boring. Shocking my muscles is just what I need. Thanks bro.

  3. #3
    skid's Avatar
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    Re: why i train 3 days per week heavy and intense

    Originally posted by Tapout
    i think i just gained a lb of muscle putting up this thread.

    I train 3 days a week as well, mostly due to time constraints. Of course, I get "negative vibes" from guys who are there EVERY DAY and think I'm not putting in enough time ... but I seem to be growing faster than them, so I don't care!

  4. #4
    Tapout's Avatar
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    the other big thing i started that really shocks people is if i miss a training day or bodypart i usually dont make it up i just skip it that week
    sometimes i do biceps 2 or 3 x per month cause elbow so sore but they still grow cause hitting them with back

  5. #5
    skid's Avatar
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    right on! I never skip legs 'cause they've got some catching up to do, but now and then I might skip a chest/tri or back/bi day if I have schedule conflicts ... I get the double-benefit of being well rested and fully recovered, and the next time I work 'em it's quite a SHOCK!

  6. #6
    xxxl83 is offline Productive Member
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    Good post agree 100% like the saying goes " Sometimes Less is More "

    I think it's even more important for people to train that way on their
    "off cycles" for the same reasons you posted in the first place, when not "on" sometimes it's harder to push yourself to the gym and overtraing is alot easier.

    Stay Strong,


  7. #7
    Tapout's Avatar
    Tapout is offline Senior Member
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    thanks bros
    xxxl83 i look at it that when you train heavy and intense you are tearing muscle fibers more so than regular workout to avoid injury, if nothing else ,it makes sense to drop days and recoup and like you said espically when clean

  8. #8
    Ironweb's Avatar
    Ironweb is offline Member
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    Great post. I agree time in does not always = amount of gains. I hit it 4 days a week and have been thinking of a 3 day a week workout. You grow when you rest not when you lift. What does your 3 day workout look like?

  9. #9
    Tapout's Avatar
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    chest---flat bench 6-10 sets including warm ups
    --------fly(dbell.pec dec or cable) or incline hammer 2 sets
    shoulders--front,side and rear dbell laterial raises 2-3 sets super sets
    tris----floor press---3-4 sets
    -------push downs 3-4 sets

    back----6-10 sets real or partial deads
    ---------4 sets traps dbell or bar
    --------pull downs 3-4 sets
    biceps---4-6 sets usually hammer machines

    legs---squats or leg press 6-10 sets
    ----sometimes curls 2-3 sets

    this is my basic workout sometimes i add a fourth day (not often) and also sometimes do different exercises than listed to shock muscels

  10. #10
    Ironweb's Avatar
    Ironweb is offline Member
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    Looks good thanks. My 4 day workout is somewhat the same as I work back and bi's/chest/tri & shoulders/Legs. I may give it a try.

  11. #11
    AandF6969's Avatar
    AandF6969 is offline Made Up Of Wires
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    Im surprised you dont do any military or dumbell press for delts.

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