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  1. #1
    guest589745 is offline 2/3 Deca 1/3 Test
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    Suggest a good each BP 2X a week routine....

    I have become tired of my 3x a week each BP once a week routine and want to try a different split.

    Anyone with some free time wannna suggest a each BP 2x a week routine?

    Preferably one that would unlikely cause overtraining.

  2. #2
    guest589745 is offline 2/3 Deca 1/3 Test
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    Seriously, I cant figure out a decent way to train each BP twice a week with 3 days rest for each BP in between WOs. Each WO I desing conflicts with each muscle group. Help.

  3. #3
    Ectoflab is offline New Member
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    I think it's mathematically impossible. 1 workout day + 3 rest days = 4 days, so if you want to do this twice in a week you need an 8-day week. If you have your heart set on having every weekday being the same training day, (for example every monday is legs day), you're out of luck.

  4. #4
    Triple X's Avatar
    Triple X is offline Banned
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    Just do the HIT routine. Works out perfectly

  5. #5
    Njectable's Avatar
    Njectable is offline Member
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    ya i don't see it being possible, my routine consists of two different style weeks.

    Week 1 is;

    Week 2 is;

    As you can see week 1 i use moderate weights,reps,and sets for the first two back and chest days, so basically your standard 6-10reps, for 3-4sets per exercise routine those days. Then 2nd time i hit those bodyparts that same week i do a powerlifting style routine which consists of heavy weights and low reps.

    If you were gonna try something like this, it could be switched up abit like say your shoulders or legs are lacking, then you could make it so your hitting them twice a week instead of back and chest.

    Also neither of my workout days are the same during those two weeks, take my chest workout for example, for my moderate day in week 1 i'll do all BB presses, and week 2 for chest i will do all DB presses.

    Keep in mind too this has worked very well for me so far, but could very well be overtraining for someone else. I also don't keep this routine carved in stone, so during week 1 if i find come saturday and sunday that for some reason my chest or back hasn't fully recovered then i don't hit it again that week. In order to hit each group twice you'd hafta be hitting the gym 7 days a week, and it still wouldn't work, take my week 1 for example say u wanted to hit legs again you would most likely hafta drop back/biceps down to wednesday and hit legs tuesday and friday. Shoulders i don't feel need to be hit twice a week directly, with a workout like week 1 they already get blasted pretty bad considering u hit them one day directly and then they play a huge part on chest day, and also come into play with some back exercises.
    Arms are the same way too, like i really don't need to hit biceps and triceps twice a week but i do it because like i said its been working.

    I wouldn't go beyond 6 days a week though, thats even pushing it, which is why my week 2 is only 4 days on and 3 days of rest.

  6. #6
    guest589745 is offline 2/3 Deca 1/3 Test
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    Has anyone tried german volume training? I have came up with a modified style of it that has some HFT methods involved. I just did day 1 of 10x10 for wide grip pulldowns and incline DB BP, I had no idea I could do that much, this deca /test is kickin in good I think.

    The routien is like this:

    1-chest/back: 10x10 DB BP/WG Pulldowns
    3-arms: 10x10 DB curls/Tricep Pressdowns
    5-legs:10X10 leg ext/leg curls
    6-chest/back: 10x10 BB BP/BB Rows
    8-arms: 10x10 BB curls/Skullcrushers
    11-chest/back 10x8

    et etc

    You work your way down to 10x4-3 then start back at 10x10 and should be able to do a lot more than what you started with.

    Ill try it out, see how it goes. It lets me do every BP once every 5 days so that may not be EXACTLy what I wanted but its close and I like the way it loooks according to what I feel works for me.

  7. #7
    a-bomb83's Avatar
    a-bomb83 is offline New Member
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    GVT is tough shit. i tried it for a few weeks and its very rough...very humbling also.

    the way DC is outlined, you hit the same bodypart twice in 8 days. you don't have to necessarily look at your regimne based on a 7 day week. why not the long run, like the entire year. that may or may not have made sense. basically, doing the typical magainze type workout you train one bodypart every 7 days, correct? well, with DC, you train each bodypart twice in 8 days. so instead of only training one particular bodypart 52 times per year, you would be doing it more like over a hundred times.

    here's how you could set up your routine based on DC or in fact actually using DC. this post will probably go ignored, but i'll post it anyway.

    basically, you will have 2 workouts. workout A and workout B.

    workout A chest/shoulders/tris/back width/back thickness

    workout B quads/hams/calves/bis/forearms

    mon - workout A

    weds - workout B

    fri - workout A

    mon - workout B

    weds - workout A

    fri - workout B

    etc.... make sense?

    now, inorder to recover in between, volume must be very low. take your 3-4 exercises per bodypart, 20-30 reps per exercises mindset, go to the nearest window and toss it out. take your volume and cut it in half. stick to compound movements, military press, bench press (incline,decline,flat) deadlift (sumo,rack deads,conventional) etc... what i would do, just to start off would be pick one compound exercise, and one auxillary such as flyes, cable pressdowns, etc... for workout A, something along these lines.

    workout A chest/shoulders/tris/back width/ back thickness
    chest - flat bb bench/ 2 work sets of 6-8 reps
    flat db flys / 2 work sets of 8-12
    shoulders - seated military press/ 2 work sets 6-8 reps
    side laterals/ 2-3 works sets of 8-12
    tris - close grip bench press/ 2 work sets of 6-8 reps
    rope press downs/ 2-3 work sets of 8-12
    back thickness - conventional deadlifts/ 3 sets 6-8

    back width - wide grip chins to failure

    now do something along those lines for workout B. i don't feel like typing that out. use your imagination. try this out, and if you feel you aren't fully recovered by the time workout A returns again, then lower the volume even more the next go round, or you're not eating enough/resting enough. now what i listed is NOT DC, just something to get you situated before you actually try out DC. but pretty much, thats how you would outline a 3 day split.

  8. #8
    rake922's Avatar
    rake922 is offline Banned
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    a-bomb83, what else does one have to do to make it DC training (you mentioned that it was set up like DC training but was not fully DC training)

    I have seen some very extensive information on it, but I'm bot looking to read a whole book, which is what I usually find.

    So if you could share what I have to add or change in order to make it DC training I'd appreciate it
    Edit: Found my answer here ..
    Last edited by rake922; 08-17-2006 at 03:47 PM.

  9. #9
    helium3's Avatar
    helium3 is offline Senior Member
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    posted this a while ago

    so body parts 2x a week:


    2 sets incline db/bb
    2 sets dec/dips
    2 sets flat db/bb
    2 sets military press db/bb
    2 sets arnie or side laterals
    2 sets rear laterals
    2 sets shrugs
    1 set of deads
    2 sets rows bb/db
    2 sets lat pulldowns
    1 set of straight leg deads or hyperextensions if needed


    legs (limited machines)

    2 sets squats
    2 sets leg press
    2 sets calves

    2 sets bicep chins
    2 sets hammers/curls
    2 sets tricep pull overs/french press
    2 sets cgb

    friday repeat mondays
    saturday repeat wednesdays perhaps add lunges and drop squats etc

    i basically start the first week at around 16 reps and drop 2 reps per week(roughly) increasing the weight as i go.until i reach 4 reps then i spend 1 week maxing

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