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Thread: training cycle needs inputs''????

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2006

    training cycle needs inputs''????


    Im 29, 6 feet, 210 pounds 20% bf. I do 270 in bench, run 6 miles in 50 min
    My goal is to weigh at least 200 pounds with bf at most 15%, bench 350, run 6 miles in 40 min and be able to do lots of pushups.
    Im now back after 8 months of injuries.
    I did at my best:
    bench 365 pounds,
    6 miles in 44 min
    but not at the same time.
    I need help/tips with my training cycle

    im thinkingan easy start for beginning with 5 endurance times week i do running, inlines, cycling, swimming and increase the time when my stamina gets better from 10 min/workout to 90 min/workout.
    and 3 times a week at gym
    D1 bench clean squat
    D2small muscles bicep tricep calves
    D3back neck writs etc
    D1 bench clean sqat
    D2-4 train with only the body pushups, plyometrics etc
    and then month 1-2 again and so on.
    and 2-4 times week mma/wrestling

    Im no pro just an amatour trainer id like som tips or/and thoughts from som experienced person.
    Last edited by runnningman; 08-20-2006 at 02:51 AM.

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