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  1. #1
    Muscle_4_Hire is offline Associate Member
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    Nov 2004
    North Carolina

    Setting Specific Goals for Progress (Advice needed)

    Okay, so I've been searching a while for general goals for bodybuilding so I can make them into my own specific goals. However, no luck. For instance, what I want is to see somebody say "training naturally, it is average for an intermediate meso-ecto to gain .5 inches on his arms in 12 weeks time if the athlete trains and eats well." So I would make .5 inches the bare minumum I have to achieve in 12 weeks.

    I need goals to shoot for. I have plenty of ways of tracking them i.e. bodyfat analyzer, measuring tape, scale, pictures, comparison in workout journal, etc.

    However, what I need is something like "For a natural bodybuilder in a 12 week bulking period, it is average for them to gain .5 inches on their arms, 1 inch on each leg, gain this much muscle, etc."

    Thanks for any advice.

  2. #2
    Muscle_4_Hire is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    North Carolina
    Let's get this ball rollin'...

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