ive noticed once im 3/4 way thru my workout i just feel empty, i start to do the weight and after a couple reps i cant move.. its not that its heavy i just run out of energy or it feels like that.. iv just bought creatine maby this will help?
ive noticed once im 3/4 way thru my workout i just feel empty, i start to do the weight and after a couple reps i cant move.. its not that its heavy i just run out of energy or it feels like that.. iv just bought creatine maby this will help?
are you over training? Whats your stats and workout split? Have you changed your diet recently? Are you on cycle at the moment?
na no cycle im natural, im about 5,7 or so 13-14stone, i workout 4-5 days a week, chest/arms/legs/back/shoulders, i eat oats/eggs/chicken etc the usual..
are you over training? Whats your stats and workout split? Have you changed your diet recently? Are you on cycle at the moment
if your natural then 5 days a week may be too much. Try keeping it to 4 and limiting your gym time to no longer than 60mins. Make sure you get quality natural sleep.
maybe you need to eat more before you work out
im eating good, my sleep isnt that good actualy maby its that? felt alot beter today with the creatine
How long have you been training? Is it new to you?
This thread is useless until you post your workout
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