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"This could be the end of one factor theory!"
Concrete guidelines for increasing strength, and for hypertrophy have been laid down in, well, concrete for many years.
However, I have noticed a discrepancy when looking at a presentation of the protocol recently. It boils down to the application of one factor theory in bodybuilding training.
If we for a second split the training methods down into hypertrophy and strength. Strength, unless neurally mediated comes down to the contractile apparatus… This is essentially what hypertrophy should mean, but this is semantics.
So, due to cross sectional area, muscle must become stronger as it grows. However, this isn’t always a proportional increase, because the transfer of results from an endurance (hi rep hypertrophy) program do not transfer into strength, unless the ability (strength) is specifically cultivated. In short, lifting 100kg once means you will be able to lift 50kg twice. However, lifting 50kg ten times is no guarantee that you will be able to lift 100kg even once. Why..? Recruitment patterns.
Training produces specific results called adaptations and it must be realised that the adaptation of a high rep program is going to be the ability to do more reps, which doesn’t necessarily mean you must be bigger to do so. This can be an enzymatic adaptation, and does not technically, or in practice mean greater size.
Bodybuilders are not usually reputed to be strong proportionately, due to this simple principle. The sarcoplasmic bloat associated with elite bodybuilders is not down to an increased size of contractile apparatus, it can be down to Non contractile tissue, that doesn’t contribute toward force production aside from weighing down the lever arm more. Bodybuilding training is (if at all) is rarely used in arenas outside bodybuilding. This demonstrates the specific nature of the adaptations.
(NB-There are some misguided coaches imposing HIT training on athletes)
Zatsiorsky touched upon this idea when he mentioned that although the intensity of strength training is high, and the protein loss is concurrently, the reps are few, and thus the overall amount of protein loss is slight compared to hypertrophy training.
The protein loss from bodybuilding, apparently, is lower per rep, but stacks up over the course of a session.(Volume)
This notion of absolute volume fails to take into account the way in which the body performs work at different intensities.
This is where mathematics fails us.
The concept that if you add up the total work performed in a Hypertrophy session, contrast it with the total work done in Strength session, the higher number is the person whose muscles have shouldered the greatest load, and will be proportionately rewarded... Sound a little unrealistic now..? Good.
If this mathematical approach is to be used realistically, it needs to figure the greater effect on the desired fibres that working at maximal levels induces, or the end figures are just an abstract calculus. A similar phenomenon has overshadowed many countries athletic performance with the conventional style of periodisation- much of it pure mathematics.
So a major key in the separation of these two styles is the amount of mechanical work performed. Zatsiorsky proposed that the increased amount of protein loss (and the mechanical work preventing immediate replenishment) is what prompts the super compensation, and fibre size increase- I propose we go with that for the time being.
Fibres hypertrophy in response to a training stimulus, the training stimulus of course dictating the course of adaptations. Studies note that elite bodybuilders have a higher number, and greater size of type 1 fibres. The type one fibres are recruited first due to the size principle. This basically means that if maximum force isn't’t needed, the body uses the smaller motor units first.
This is why this style of training is useless in athletics, as type 2 fibres are usually called upon to do the required work as high force levels, and quickly for short periods. So the load in hypertrophy training does not stimulate type 2 fibres preferentially, because of the moderate load, the body reaches for a substantial amount of slow twitch fibres.
This is the compromise of training to failure. It is frequently noted that motor unit corridors are exploited fully only when trained till failure, and that failure training produces the most growth.