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Thread: mass inhibiting cardio

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    mass inhibiting cardio

    Hey guys, i am currently bulking right now, and for my body type, i really have to pound kcals and keep the cardio lowwww to gain mass. i know it has been said that running can put your muscles in a very catabolic state, causing atrophy and what not, but my question is, when running, are you just getting those unwanted effects in your legs mainly because those are whats doing the running? or does running put your body in an entire state of catabolism thus causing muscle atrophy throughout your body? the only reason i ask is because i wouldnt be doing any cardio at all except i enjoy playing 3 or 4 games of Basketball a week, any thoughts on whether this is just hurting my legs or everything including upper body as well.? any help is greatly appreciated! thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2006
    West Virginia
    you need some cardio in order to stay healthy

    just make sure you get plenty of protein all day long, and i would defninitly keep playing ball

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