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whats up guys im 5'6 195 lbs 11% bf...and looking to put on lean mass....I've been searching through the diet forums and i found a lot that fits for me but I'm looking for some help with my cardio....ive been a footbal player all my life until last year i got injurred and now ive pretty much completely dedicated myself towards bodybuilding....my problem is i've never really had to do any cardio because of all the running drills and exercises...
My main questions are:
wat time a day is best? AM empty stomach.. Is the general agreement
what should my heart rate be? 65-75% of ur max heart (220-age) 8 65-70%
what is the best type of cardio? This depends on the person. I like the stairmaster alot, i can't do the treamill b/c of shin splints but there is no best imo.
lastly how many times a week a how long...? For lean mass i would suggest 3-4 days at 30 min. BUT this depends on the person and diet. I mean a clean diet you could do 3 sessions. Also a person who finds it hard to gain weight may do the same aswell. But ppl who add fat easily may utilize more sessions.
sorry for so many questions just looking to get myself going
thanks a lot guys i appreciate any input