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Thread: Help with my new workout:

  1. #1

    Help with my new workout:

    Hi, I want to switch up my workout because its about time I do so, please help me rearrange my workout or add/delete things to make it better. My goal is to add mass.
    22 years, 5'10", 175lbs, 12%, No cycles:

    Mon: Chest - Incline, flat, decline, flys (switch from bar/dumb/cables every week)

    I have a great upper back, and not so great lower back.
    Tue: Back - seated rows(over hand), lat pull down wide and close grip, bent over rows (under hand) or individual rows. No traps, they are too big right now. Deadlifts: I want to start doing these, how should these be done?

    Wed: Rest

    My bicepts are pretty much all inner and lack on the outer thickness and length, my right is 1/2 inch larger than my left. Triceps are more well rounded.

    Thurs: Bi's & Tri's - ez bar preacher (inner grip), tricep machine (palms sideways), bicep machine (palms up), tricep pull down (palms down), reverse curls, tricep pull down (palms up), I throw dips in here and there to super set sometimes.

    I have well balanced and defined delts, they just need to be larger because of my "large for my size" traps. Forearms are a weakpoint.
    Fri: Forearms & delts - I mostly do a bunch of different cable pulls and throw sets of forearm exercises in between shoulder routines. I'm now experimenting with super seting my lifts and presses for shoulders. Suggestions for size would be appreciated.

    I held out on legs for way too long, my thighs are proportional to my body but my calfs lack size, they just seem to get more defined as I work them more.

    Sat: Legs - Squats, calfs raises, quads, calfs raises, hams, calfs raises, and leg presses to just nail them at the end. I am always really sore after my leg days, not so much with arm days.

    Sun: Rest

    Please re-arrange, add/delete or specify what you would change and why. Just as a reminder my goal is to add size, I'm well defined/cut at 12% and I need to start filling in my sleeves....

    I'm planning my diet at this time and will be discussed in another forum.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    I would go harder on my triceps on your tricep bicep day.I kill my tri's with skull crushers and d.b kickbacks to failure at the end of my tri workout.Heres a great link to a bodypart chart for workouts.(u might have to paste and click) I personally go mon-tue thur-fri with wed and the weekend to recover. But different strokes for different folks. What supps are you on.What have you taken

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by notorious_mem
    What supps are you on.What have you taken
    I took some PH's, but didn't have a good diet or routine, typical noob mistakes. So I really didn't get any decent gains from them. I've also taken creatine, but right now I'm just using whey protein with strict diet.

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