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Thread: My new training split

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    heading west

    My new training split

    After years of doing a bodypart once a week, I am going to switch to something completely different. I used to do (eg.):
    1 chest/shoulders
    2 legs
    3 bis/tris
    4 off
    5 off
    6 back
    7 off

    Now I am going to try (eg.):

    1 upper chest, heavy delts, 1/2 tris (basically only half the exercises I would do for a bodypart on a given day)
    2 quads
    3 1 heavy back exercise, 1 light back, barbell shrugs, barbell curls, dumbbell curls, wrist curls
    4 off
    5 lower chest, lighter delts, other 1/2 tris
    6 hams
    7 pulldowns and isolation back exercises, dumbbell shrugs, more "isolation" bis exercises
    8 off

    Basically, my reasoning is that I am not gaining enough solid mass during my cycles. While I use to feel like I needed the week off, lately I have been feeling like it's too long and I can handle it. I have been peaking at about the same point in my cycles, and need to change to blast through this plateau.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    South Carolina
    Test it and see...but if you're sleeping and eating then try and increase overall volume. With your nitrogen balance so high you'll be able to train hard and heavy a whole lot more frequently. Plan 100 pullups one day. I mean serious volume. You'll surely know if it's too much. Let me know cause I'm always interested in the load one can take while on gear.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    heading west

    Will do

    DBs - Right now I'm just getting use to the new routine and have been taking it easy, I will gradually increase my intensity. Like you say, when I am on the gear I am going to increase the volume and see how far I can take it. Good point about the rest and nutrition - they will be even more important on such a frequent workout schedule. I am going to make my cycles heavy, by my standards.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    I like both of those routines, I'm gonna add 'em to my schedule. I rotate my workouts every 6-8 weeks anyway. So my body nevr gets used to any specific routines.

    keep us posted, MJ

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    South Carolina
    One more real important point...Warm up and stretch well. It would be horrible to get an injury...especially one like tendon or lig. that could take so long to heal. Even more so while on a cycle.

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