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Thread: Waist size while bulking

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    Waist size while bulking

    been bulking lately and now my waist is starting to get bigger, along with everything else, wanting to stay the 32-34 " iv always been,
    ive not being doing any cardio at all, never have really,
    how much should i do ? once a week 45mins or more ?
    or is it more of a stop the dirty nulk and go clean ?
    is this gonna effect my bulking or will it help ?
    used search but theres alot of ,mixed reactions on this

    im 6'2 190 pounds just now 44-45" chest 34 waist


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    when I bulk i don't do any cardio, but I lift longer than when I'm cutting. My waist rarely goes above a 33 - i'm 6'2" 245lbs

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    when I dirty bulked I went from 140lbs to 220lbs in a year.... but ALOT of that was fat (I went from like 8% to 18%). I'm on a clean bulk right now and I have gained about 10-15lbs and only 1% bodyfat.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    so should i just bide my time with the bulk ?
    how much will my bulking be affected with a little cardio , not a massive amount tho, im unsure of my bodyfat might get it checked out tomorrow at gym

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Palatine Illinois
    Quote Originally Posted by Superhuman
    when I dirty bulked I went from 140lbs to 220lbs in a year.... but ALOT of that was fat (I went from like 8% to 18%). I'm on a clean bulk right now and I have gained about 10-15lbs and only 1% bodyfat.

    80 pounds in a year??? Did you do it naturally with eating a ton, or did u juice and eat a ton?

    Geez and I was proud of putting on 30 pounds in a year...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Steve80
    80 pounds in a year??? Did you do it naturally with eating a ton, or did u juice and eat a ton?

    Geez and I was proud of putting on 30 pounds in a year...
    that was from eating over 15,000 calories a day...

    i would have:
    1. 6 protein shakes a day

    2. 2-3 Protein Bars a day

    3. Three 2-hour sessions at an All-U-Can-Eat Pizza Place (CiCis) where I would have at least 8-10 plates!

    4. Woke up in the middle of the night to eat peanut butter, jelly and honey sandwiches OR a hungry man

    At this time I wasn't bodybuilding, I was playing football so mass was my #1 concern.... it backfired though because I gained weight too fast and got aweful stretch marks and tore both of my hamstrings BAD

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by J4LDO
    so should i just bide my time with the bulk ?
    how much will my bulking be affected with a little cardio , not a massive amount tho, im unsure of my bodyfat might get it checked out tomorrow at gym
    I’d suggest doing some cardio and this will not hurt you during the time you are trying to bulk up. Try eating clean during your bulking period, as this will help reduce the amount of BF, you gain.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Staten Island/Tampa
    Ive been doing my usual low resistance morning am cardio on an empty to try to not get to fat as thats my number one fear since I was a fat kid.

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