I cut it down to 3 days a week, and have been eating less and suprisingly, I seem to be gaining more weight. Before i was lifting 4 days a week and eating 5-7K a day and not growing, infact lost weight. Now Im eating 3-5k. Kinda wierd but good.
I Just started, starting with heavier sets and stripping weight off for later sets, it works much better for me, really kicks my ass.
DB Bench 3-sets
Decline Bench 1 warm up, 3 sets
Incline DB 3 sets
Rope Tricep Pulldowns
2 warm up sets, 4 sets
Overheard DB Ext 3 sets
L-Laterals 3 sets (all I can do since rotator injury no presses)
3 sets of push ups till failure
Machine Rows 1 warm up, 4 sets
Machine Eagle rows 1 warm up 4 sets
DB rows 3 sets
Deadlifts 3 sets of five start light go up with weight
Machine Preacher Curls 3 sets
Single Arm cable curls 4 sets
(dont strip, but add weight for legs)
Squats 2 warm ups 3 sets
Leg Press 5 sets
Leg Curls 3 sets
BB Calf Raises(hold bar good for grip) 3 sets
Hammer Curls 3 sets
BB curls 3 sets
cable curls 3 sets
Wrist curls 3 sets
Close Grip BP 3 sets
Rope Extensions 2 warm up 3 sets
OverHead DB Ext 3 sets
My arms are lagging so i hit them twice, seesm to work better.