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Thread: Undecided's Offseason Bulking Split

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Guess?4 superbowls,0 wins

    Undecided's Offseason Bulking Split

    Off-Season Bulking Split...

    Day 1 (Legs):
    A1. Squat...8,6,4,6,4...Dropset, 50% of 4 rep weight for 30 reps...

    B1. Semi-Stiff Barbell Deadlift...5 sets, 6-10 reps...
    B2. Superset with Seated Hammy Curls...5 sets, 8-10 reps

    C1. Donkey Raise...8,6,4,6,4...dropset, 50% of 4 rep weight for 30 reps...

    Day 2 (Back):
    A1. Widegrip assisted/added weight chins ...4 sets 4-8 reps
    A2. Superset with Widegrip Puldowns...4 sets 12-15 reps

    B1. DeadLift...3-4 sets Very Heavy....4-8 reps...

    C1. Two handed long bar row...8,6,4,6,4...dropset, 50% of 4 rep weight for 30 reps...

    Day 3 (Chest/Core):
    A1. Need Help here for Core, want one superset....4 sets....

    B1. Pressing Movement: Flat Press or Incline Press (d-bell or Bench) alternate each week, go heavy...5 sets 4-8 reps

    C1. Fly Movement: Opposite Pressing Movement that day,go heavy, 5 sets 4-8 reps...

    D1. Cable Cross: Same Angle as pressing movement on that day....4 sets 6-10 reps....


    Day 4 (Shoulders/Arms)
    A1. Military/Dumbbell Press (Alternate weekly) 8,6,4,6,4...Dropset,50% of 4 rep weight for 15 reps

    B1.Decline Close-Grip Bench Press...8,6,4,6,4...Dropset, 50% of 4 rep weight for 30 reps...

    C1. Smith Machine Behind the Back Shrugs...8,6,4,6,4...Dropset, 50% of 4 rep weight for 15 reps...

    D1. Standing E-Z Bar Curls....5 sets 4-8 reps
    D2. Superset either Standing straight Bar cable curl...or Seated D-bell curl...5 sets, 8-10 reps...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    B1.Decline Close-Grip Bench Press...8,6,4,6,4...Dropset, 50% of 4 rep weight for 30 reps...

    MY NEW FAV!!!!!!!!!!! but what kinda rep schema is that?? 8,6,4 then back to light than back to heavier??

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    2,207 not sure what semi stiff deadlift is but the way it looks your lifting back after legs and doing deads both days?????????????

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Guess?4 superbowls,0 wins
    Quote Originally Posted by Columbus
    B1.Decline Close-Grip Bench Press...8,6,4,6,4...Dropset, 50% of 4 rep weight for 30 reps...

    MY NEW FAV!!!!!!!!!!! but what kinda rep schema is that?? 8,6,4 then back to light than back to heavier??
    Yeah, theres some science behind that scheme, its specific to me and my genetics....That dropset is killer, I have those in there alot as you can see, s hit hurts, lol....


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Guess?4 superbowls,0 wins
    Quote Originally Posted by Haro3 not sure what semi stiff deadlift is but the way it looks your lifting back after legs and doing deads both days?????????????
    Yeah Back day should be Day 3, i gotta change that around, and semi-stiff dead lifts are for hamstrings, a normal dead I do on back day...Semi stiffs are when you push out with your hips, and your ass goes up, as your back goes down and it makes ur hammies scream.....


  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Haro3 not sure what semi stiff deadlift is but the way it looks your lifting back after legs and doing deads both days?????????????

    I would NOT have legs and back on consecutive days. Space them at least 2 days apart

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Guess?4 superbowls,0 wins

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    you are everywhere man damn

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Guess?4 superbowls,0 wins
    what does that mean

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