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Thread: Need Cutting workout basics! help pls

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Need Cutting workout basics! help pls

    hey guys...ive been reading through and havent really found a solid cutting routine nor a cutting routine sticky

    can anyone give me the basics for one? here was my regular training

    WORKOUT : (based off lc1987's with mods)

    45-60 minutes of cardio at a heart rate of 152 so i dont burn muscle (longer for bike, shorter for eliptical or treadmill)
    3sets X 25 ab crunches on various machines
    3 X 10 Leg press weight depends on energy level
    3X 10 squats
    3 X 10 Miltary shoulder press machine
    shoulders shrugs (3 Sets of 12 with bar in front, 3 with bar in back)

    20 minutes of cardio at 152 heart rate

    dumbbell bench warm up sets 65's on each side 10 reps 3 sets
    dumbell decline 6 reps of 65-70 2 sets
    incline dumbells 4-6 reps of 55 2 sets
    sit down miltary press machine 90-100lbs each side X 3 reps

    triceps :
    Rope cable pushdowns warm up 10 reps of 50 X 2 sets then 6 reps of 70 X 2 sets
    Dips:10-12 reps x 3
    Close Grip Bench Presses:10 X 3 sets
    Overhead Extensions:10X 3

    20 minutes of cardio at 152 heart rate

    pull ups (warm up sets): 10 reps 2 sets
    Sitdown Cable Rows:7 reps of 100 X 2 sets then 10 reps of 120 x 1 set
    v bar Front pulldowns:4-6 reps of 120 X 2 sets


    10 reps of pull ups close grip x 2 sets (warm up)
    10 reps of 35lbs of declined sitdown curls X 3 reps
    10 reps of 40lbs X 3 cable curls...(i dont know the name, its the one that uses the large cross cable work look like your flexing with your arms uup or if in the police arest mode with your hands up and then you extend cable to where your arms are extended then curl them back up and tap your head, hold then extend.) maybe upper arm stance curls?
    10 Reps of 50lbs X 3 straight bar curls

    Saturday and SUnday (rest)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    With Your Mother
    Why are you doing legs 3 times a week? You'll be worn out after a couple of weeks and not even be able to do cardio, which in cutting, is the best thing for you...don't see your reasoning at all...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Dude there are stickys in the workout forum.
    Sorry but i think your program sucks

    Quote Originally Posted by caper
    hey guys...ive been reading through and havent really found a solid cutting routine nor a cutting routine sticky

    can anyone give me the basics for one? here was my regular training

    WORKOUT : (based off lc1987's with mods)

    45-60 minutes of cardio at a heart rate of 152 so i dont burn muscle (longer for bike, shorter for eliptical or treadmill)
    3sets X 25 ab crunches on various machines
    3 X 10 Leg press weight depends on energy level
    3X 10 squats
    3 X 10 Miltary shoulder press machine
    shoulders shrugs (3 Sets of 12 with bar in front, 3 with bar in back)

    20 minutes of cardio at 152 heart rate

    dumbbell bench warm up sets 65's on each side 10 reps 3 sets
    dumbell decline 6 reps of 65-70 2 sets
    incline dumbells 4-6 reps of 55 2 sets
    sit down miltary press machine 90-100lbs each side X 3 reps

    triceps :
    Rope cable pushdowns warm up 10 reps of 50 X 2 sets then 6 reps of 70 X 2 sets
    Dips:10-12 reps x 3
    Close Grip Bench Presses:10 X 3 sets
    Overhead Extensions:10X 3

    20 minutes of cardio at 152 heart rate

    pull ups (warm up sets): 10 reps 2 sets
    Sitdown Cable Rows:7 reps of 100 X 2 sets then 10 reps of 120 x 1 set
    v bar Front pulldowns:4-6 reps of 120 X 2 sets


    10 reps of pull ups close grip x 2 sets (warm up)
    10 reps of 35lbs of declined sitdown curls X 3 reps
    10 reps of 40lbs X 3 cable curls...(i dont know the name, its the one that uses the large cross cable work look like your flexing with your arms uup or if in the police arest mode with your hands up and then you extend cable to where your arms are extended then curl them back up and tap your head, hold then extend.) maybe upper arm stance curls?
    10 Reps of 50lbs X 3 straight bar curls

    Saturday and SUnday (rest)

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    ok thanks for the input... but i know it sucks...otherwise i wouldnt be on here asking for advice...

    im trying to search for a routine pre built..or an example of a good one...and what sticky are you talking about? i only see guidelines and bulking tips

    when i made my workout..i tried to incorporate lots of cardio to cut my bf i am 23, 179lbs, 5'8", 18% BF

    I also tried to hit each muscle with 4 different workouts.

    so whats the general rules for a cutting rountine and how does it differ from bulking rountine??
    Last edited by caper; 10-09-2006 at 09:55 AM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Various Training Techniques
    by Pinnacle

    if you cant find something there you like.................................

    you dont have to change your routine if you are cutting, some do higher reps but i like low reps and adding some cardio

  6. #6
    Yes you will overtrain very quickly and end up going catabolic wasting a lot of muscle..
    You have to incorporate the cardio with the diet to lose weight..
    How about you lift Mon/Wed/Fri:
    Mon: Chest/Shoulders/Tris
    Tues: Morning cardio at Heart rate of 125-135 for 30-45mins on an empty stomach
    Wed: Back/Traps/Bis
    Thurs: Same as Tuesday
    Friday: Legs/calves
    Sun: Same as tuesday

  7. #7
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
    Doc.Sust is offline Retired "hall of famer/elite powerlifter"
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    a van down by the river!
    try the iron man HIT program it is listed in pinnacle's thread 3 days awk, and it has a 2or 3 wk cutting phase at the end, read and learn, your current workout is a nightmare and has way to much volume and to many days in the wk doing the same damn thing, perfect recipe to burn out and over train

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