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Thread: Help on Workout/ Bench Press!!!

  1. #1

    Help on Workout/ Bench Press!!!

    Ok Ive started heavy lifting about 1 yr and half ago, and the workout plan ive had has been working, however, although going up in everything else including incline and decline bench, my flat bench has plateaued about 3 months ago. I would like you guys to crtique my workout for chest. I usually do chest and tris. I max out at 275(one rep)

    Flat Bench:

    Incline Bench:
    8 reps-155
    6 reps-205

    Decline Bench:
    10 reps-155
    8 reps-185
    6 reps-225

    Free Weight flies:
    10 reps-40
    6 reps-50

    I dont know if i dont rest enough in between sets, usually about 1-2 minutes. My calorie intake is about 3500 calories per day. Keep in mind all my other numbers are going up except bench.Im 5'9" 187lbs. thanks guys hope to hear from you soon.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    switch to d-bells and rotate every other week from long bar. Do this with incline/flat bench.
    275 once is really good though.

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