MASS.......I think I've been wayyy overtraining. So, looking at Mentzwer's reads and some of the proteges out there, I've developed a semi HIIT plan...thoughts? Bodybuilder off season.........


Behind-the-neck push press (5-5-5-3-3)
Front Squat (5-5-5-5-5-1-1-1)
Deadlift (up to a 5, 3, or 1) OR Power Cleans/Clean Pulls (I'll alternate weekly)
Incline D-Bells (4 sets, 12-20 range for big tits)


Power Snatch (reps will vary as I am not 'training' these and they are more to recover from Sunday's pulling onslaught)

Snatch Pull (4-5 sets of 3)
Decline Situps (3 sets)
Calf Raises (3 sets)


Flat Bench (5x5 add weight each set)
Pendlay Row (5x5 add weight each set)
Weighted Dips (3 sets, heavy and hard)
Front Squat (5x5, straight weight, roughly 85% of my best 5)




Close-Grip Bench (5x5 straight weight)
Back Squat (5x5 straight, followed by a few heavier singles if I feel fast/strong)
Strict Overhead Press (5x5 add weight each set)
Jump Shrug (6x5....I know many like high reps, but I prefer the low reppers, lower reps = more weight, which = bigger traps, which always = good)


Random gay day....chins (which are heterosexual) .....biceps and calves (which are NOT heterosexual)


Watch college football and try to eat 10,000 cals to prepare for Sunday's onslaught