I use a variation of it that I wrote myself.. I don't follow all his work to the tee as I think some is flawed and written based on marketing etc..
His ideas and techniques are a great way to build the foundation of knowledge needed for HIT.
I use a variation of it that I wrote myself.. I don't follow all his work to the tee as I think some is flawed and written based on marketing etc..
His ideas and techniques are a great way to build the foundation of knowledge needed for HIT.
when are we gonna see your diet bro?
I changes quite often, I like to experiment with different things.
How would my diet benefit anyone else, it is pretty much keyed in to how my body responds to different macros and specific foods.
That's kind of like me writing one diet for all my clients, it just doesn't work like that.
Can you just give a sample of your daily macros, just curious....I know you carb rotate, but on a training day per se.
You should just make and "i**mfkr workout thread" , good stuff.
Doesn't do it justice, you'd have to train with me to see the intensity.
Actually Spound is coming to my city in the next month or so, looking forward to it!
I like your program.It`s great your on the right intricate training ideology at a young age.Keep it up.
I like the look of this, your my type of guy (but not in a gay way)
I like him in the gay Parameters aspect.
What I admire about IB is he understands that drugs are 15% of a great Physique.Drugs are just the icing on the cake.
Last edited by goose; 12-07-2006 at 11:12 AM.
incline and pec dec , no need for flat ?
Thx Marcus + Goose, You guys have helped me quite a bit, appreciate the compliments, means a lot coming from the both of you.Originally Posted by goose4
Where you two been hiding?
Flat is on the alternate week but my chest lacks thickness up top so I focus 70% of my chest routines on my upper pec development. Good form here is imperative.Originally Posted by J4LDO
why pulldowns instead of pull ups ? i am interseted in this ,
so iit would be 8 weeks then break then starting again , your split remains same just different exercises for each muscle group ?
same intensity etc
sounds really good, ideally though the way i see it, it would be an easier system to do if you trained with some 1 doing the same for spot purpsoses spot etc,
This is merely a sample of one workout I've written, I have a spiral with many variables that I've written for future use to experiment to see which brings me the most strength/growth over the shortest amount of time.Originally Posted by J4LDO
Am here like always, just havent been posting so often because of the quality of the threads, i do keep my eye on you tho I**Originally Posted by I**mfkr
I**....I like the base of your program but I just can't agree on going to failure on every set and every exercise; or pre-exhausting every workout. Just seems to go against a lot of what we already know about bb.
Just my opinion. Looks like it works for you though
I didn't say preexhaust ever workout. Use a variation of techniques until your progress starts to slow then change gears to spark new growth.
Maybe you missed the part above where I said this is merely a sample of "one workouts" I've written.
There is just too much to proper training to type it all out so I just give bits and pieces of the puzzle.
-B D
If asking cycle advice Post up Stats/previous cycle experience/goals!
If asking diet advice Post Stats/current diet/goals!
“Your desire to change must be greater than your desire to stay the same.”
Ain't THAT the truth!Originally Posted by I**mfkr
IB - do you have a good back routine that's non HIIT fashion? Deads or no deads........
I have tons of them but fail to have the time or the will to type them all out..
It's very simple to put together a routine, just pick different movements that coincide with each other but keep your intensity high and your volume to a minimum to prevent over-fatiguing and over-training.
It's not rocket science.
One thing that I have changed with my current routine is I've minimized the rest periods to the current routine posted and added more movements for back.
Ex: I do not take the 1min rest anymore inbetween the Pos/Neg/and static hold and do 2 sets instead of one, also I've added in "Undergrip Pulldowns" for 2 work sets as well. I didn't feel the last routine was enough volume to really stress the muscle because back is such a large musclegroup.
On my other day I start with Bent Barbell Rows and do a different variation of movements focused more on upper back.
Last edited by IBdmfkr; 02-06-2007 at 08:18 AM.
Gotcha...so barbell rows and deads alternating.....what are your feeling on tbar row, I feel those more in my back than str8 bar......than I could come back with 4 sets of heavy dbell rows......
I just feel like a sack if I leave deads out......But I am on pct, so maybe it's best? DEFINATELY every week when I start up again.........
mayv=be just toss in 3 sets of deads.....or how is 2 sets of 10 reps since I ALWAYS go 6 reps max..
Again, I don't do Deads everyweek inorder to give my lower back a break. How would you go about doing heavy squats if you were to do deads a day or two before? You'd risk injury IMO.
On the Tbar's, they are o.k. on occasion but your core isn't supported, on bent-over rows your core is forced to support the weight being pulled so it doesn't allow your body to develop a weak link. I enjoy compound exercises that stress the core for this reason. Both are good though at upper back development if done correctly, most ppl cheat on this exercise so I don't recommend it to beginners unless they have someone more advanced show them proper form.
how is your core supported with old school corner barbell tbar rows.....not the machine.......using the v grip from the seated row machine and using it as your grip for the barbell....
I don't know what you're talking about, but you get the point in my last post.
Your questions are never-ending. Maybe I'll write and publish it so I won't have to answer tons of questions lol
-B D
If asking cycle advice Post up Stats/previous cycle experience/goals!
If asking diet advice Post Stats/current diet/goals!
“Your desire to change must be greater than your desire to stay the same.”
Old school YMCA corner rows.........cmon bro.....you toss a barbell in the corner, you load a few plates on (25's give your more ROM) you take the seated row attachment and use it for a handle and row in the same fashion as barbell rows, cept your hands are close together using the V grip........
You still don't really use you core much, I knew what you were talking about I was just tired of talking in circles.
You can lean back into the weight causing yourself to be supported. They aren't that OldSchool we have a machine specfically for that in my gym so idiots don't fuk our wall up doing what you're talking about.
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