Alright, I am having surgery in less than a week and will be in "rehab" mode, for about 3 months approx so in the meantime, I am planning my next routine, diet revisions and cycle. I thought it would be interesting to see what others suggest so I won't have to constantly be PMing I**mfkr and Marcus300 (although I will still be doing that) lol.
6 ft
234-241lbs (fluctuates)
7 years of lifting
24 years old
Goal (Where I want to be before cycle starts and after rehab)
1.get to 15-16%BF or less without dropping under 215-220lbs (possible?)
2.Rehab shoulder(s) carefully
Going to just do maintenance lifting 2 weeks after surgery starting out very light and using thera bands a lot. Nothing much to this time other than cardio/carb cycling that I will be attempting virtually the entire time until cycle begins. The lifting aspect of this period will consist of more of a volume type of training once the initial rehab stage is over (Hopefully only a few months max), light weight high reps etc, lifting every other day, each bodypart having 3 days rest between sessions:
Day 1: Lats- 3x14 standing straight arm pulldowns, 3x12 Bent barbell rows, 3x12close grip underhand pulldowns/drop set
Traps- 3x12 DB shrugs
Biceps- 2x12 Dumbell Curls, 1x12 Concentration curls/Dropset
Day 3: Hams- 3x15 Squats, 3x12 Ham curls/SLDL
Quads- 4x14 Leg Ext
Calfs- 3x14 Calf raises/drop set
Abs- Crunches to failure
Day 5: Chest- 4x12 DB incline bench, 3x12 flat DB bench/drop set
Triceps- 3x12 DB skullcrushers/Close grip BP (If I can do this)
Front Delts- 3x10 Front raises
Repeat starting at Day 7, 9, 11 etc.
Cardio 2-3x a week
Goal (short term, approx 3-4 month period starting at cycles beginning after rehab):
1.Gain 20+lbs from next cycle, hopefully ending PCT @ 255+@ 14%BF or less.
Now the fun will begin:
Week 1: 10-12 rep range/4 sets/EOD lift
Week 2: 10-12 rep range/4 sets/EOD lift
Week 3: 10-12 rep range/4 sets/EOD lift
Week 4: 8-10 rep range/3 sets/Every 3 days lift
week 5: 8-10 rep range/3 sets/Every 3 days lift
Week 6: 8-10 rep range/3 sets/Every 3 days lift
Week 7: 5-6 rep range/2 sets/Every 3 days lift
Week 8: 5-6 rep range/2 sets/Every 3 days lift
Week 9: OFF
Week 10: 10-12 rep range/4 sets/EOD lift
Week 11: 10-12 rep range/4 sets/EOD lift
Week 12: 10-12 rep range/3 sets/EOD lift
Week 13: 10-12 rep range/3 sets/EOD lift
Week 14: 10-12 rep range/3 sets/EOD lift
Week 15: OFF (Suggestions?)
Week 16-32: Maintain as much as possible on same program.
Lifting Regimen:
Same as before cycle but obviously changing reps/sets and I will also be alternating exercises for each muscle group and possibly adding different but similar exercises each WO.
Day 1: Lats-standing straight arm pulldowns,Bent barbell rows,close grip underhand pulldowns
Traps- DB shrugs
Biceps- Dumbell Curls,Concentration curls
Day 3: Hams- Squats, Ham curls/SLDL
Quads- Leg Ext
Calfs- Calf raises
Abs- Crunches to failure
Day 5: Chest- DB incline bench,flat DB bench
Triceps- DB skullcrushers/Close grip BP (If I can do this)
Front Delts- Front raises
Repeat (Changing amount rest days when needed like what I outlined above)
Cardio 2x a week
I know little changes will most likely have to be made but that is the rough draft I suppose. I don't think I will carb cycle during the cycle but just eat very clean and strictly complex carbs (Besides PWO).
Goal (long term, next 2-3 years)
1.Get to 265lbs+ @ 12%bf or less (I don't care to be extremely lean)
Sorry for the long read, any suggeestions?
(PM me if needed)