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Thread: **Please Critique my future Routine**

  1. #1

    Question **Please Critique my future Routine**

    Alright, I am having surgery in less than a week and will be in "rehab" mode, for about 3 months approx so in the meantime, I am planning my next routine, diet revisions and cycle. I thought it would be interesting to see what others suggest so I won't have to constantly be PMing I**mfkr and Marcus300 (although I will still be doing that) lol.

    6 ft
    234-241lbs (fluctuates)
    7 years of lifting
    24 years old


    Goal (Where I want to be before cycle starts and after rehab)
    1.get to 15-16%BF or less without dropping under 215-220lbs (possible?)
    2.Rehab shoulder(s) carefully
    Going to just do maintenance lifting 2 weeks after surgery starting out very light and using thera bands a lot. Nothing much to this time other than cardio/carb cycling that I will be attempting virtually the entire time until cycle begins. The lifting aspect of this period will consist of more of a volume type of training once the initial rehab stage is over (Hopefully only a few months max), light weight high reps etc, lifting every other day, each bodypart having 3 days rest between sessions:

    Day 1: Lats- 3x14 standing straight arm pulldowns, 3x12 Bent barbell rows, 3x12close grip underhand pulldowns/drop set
    Traps- 3x12 DB shrugs
    Biceps- 2x12 Dumbell Curls, 1x12 Concentration curls/Dropset
    Day 3: Hams- 3x15 Squats, 3x12 Ham curls/SLDL
    Quads- 4x14 Leg Ext
    Calfs- 3x14 Calf raises/drop set
    Abs- Crunches to failure
    Day 5: Chest- 4x12 DB incline bench, 3x12 flat DB bench/drop set
    Triceps- 3x12 DB skullcrushers/Close grip BP (If I can do this)
    Front Delts- 3x10 Front raises
    Repeat starting at Day 7, 9, 11 etc.
    Cardio 2-3x a week


    Goal (short term, approx 3-4 month period starting at cycles beginning after rehab):
    1.Gain 20+lbs from next cycle, hopefully ending PCT @ 255+@ 14%BF or less.

    Now the fun will begin:

    Week 1: 10-12 rep range/4 sets/EOD lift
    Week 2: 10-12 rep range/4 sets/EOD lift
    Week 3: 10-12 rep range/4 sets/EOD lift
    Week 4: 8-10 rep range/3 sets/Every 3 days lift
    week 5: 8-10 rep range/3 sets/Every 3 days lift
    Week 6: 8-10 rep range/3 sets/Every 3 days lift
    Week 7: 5-6 rep range/2 sets/Every 3 days lift
    Week 8: 5-6 rep range/2 sets/Every 3 days lift
    Week 9: OFF
    Week 10: 10-12 rep range/4 sets/EOD lift
    Week 11: 10-12 rep range/4 sets/EOD lift
    Week 12: 10-12 rep range/3 sets/EOD lift
    Week 13: 10-12 rep range/3 sets/EOD lift
    Week 14: 10-12 rep range/3 sets/EOD lift
    Week 15: OFF (Suggestions?)
    Week 16-32: Maintain as much as possible on same program.

    Lifting Regimen:
    Same as before cycle but obviously changing reps/sets and I will also be alternating exercises for each muscle group and possibly adding different but similar exercises each WO.
    Day 1: Lats-standing straight arm pulldowns,Bent barbell rows,close grip underhand pulldowns
    Traps- DB shrugs
    Biceps- Dumbell Curls,Concentration curls
    Day 3: Hams- Squats, Ham curls/SLDL
    Quads- Leg Ext
    Calfs- Calf raises
    Abs- Crunches to failure
    Day 5: Chest- DB incline bench,flat DB bench
    Triceps- DB skullcrushers/Close grip BP (If I can do this)
    Front Delts- Front raises
    Repeat (Changing amount rest days when needed like what I outlined above)
    Cardio 2x a week

    I know little changes will most likely have to be made but that is the rough draft I suppose. I don't think I will carb cycle during the cycle but just eat very clean and strictly complex carbs (Besides PWO).

    Goal (long term, next 2-3 years)
    1.Get to 265lbs+ @ 12%bf or less (I don't care to be extremely lean)

    Sorry for the long read, any suggeestions?

    (PM me if needed )

  2. #2
    I had them organized better but the spaces were removed when I posted it

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    What type of surgery will you have? Something with your shoulders?

    Ime going under the knive too on oct.30. Which will mean off time from training, and maybe some rehab-type of training for a few weeks when starting again.

    The goal is really to give your muscles enough stimulation(in rehab) so you keep the muscle tissue you have, without agravating the recovery prosess, so you can hit it hard and train injury free as soon as possible.

    Maybe we can help eachother with expriences since we will both have surgery.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by vitor
    What type of surgery will you have? Something with your shoulders?

    Ime going under the knive too on oct.30. Which will mean off time from training, and maybe some rehab-type of training for a few weeks when starting again.

    The goal is really to give your muscles enough stimulation(in rehab) so you keep the muscle tissue you have, without agravating the recovery prosess, so you can hit it hard and train injury free as soon as possible.

    Maybe we can help eachother with expriences since we will both have surgery.

    That would be GREAT.

    It will be orthoscopic surgery of my shoulder which involves shaving of my clavicle and acromium. I should be "healed" (At least to the point where I can move freely) in a few weeks supposedly and I plan on rehabing for at least 3 months really. I totally agree with the purpose you stated, of training during this time.

    I can't wait to be able to hit em hard again, its gonna be so great.

  5. #5
    I plan on about 2-3 weeks completely off besides POSSIBLY light thera band work, then after that period, beginning an actual routine involving the bads and very light weight if possible until I am confident I can begin moving up with my poundages and starta a real regimen again.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Me too, 2-weeks completely off. Then I will start slowly again. It could even be a blessing in disguise you know, once your body is complety rested and healed with off time, it might even respond better than ever. I dont know about you, but I have almost trained for a full year now with no breaks...I think my body need a rest anyway...

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by vitor
    Me too, 2-weeks completely off. Then I will start slowly again. It could even be a blessing in disguise you know, once your body is complety rested and healed with off time, it might even respond better than ever. I dont know about you, but I have almost trained for a full year now with no breaks...I think my body need a rest anyway...

    I have faith that I will gain much better after the rehab post surgery, when I can do heavy movements with no restrictions like I have had for over a year now due to the problem that I am having corrected by the surgery. I am anxious as hell. I was bigger than I am now when my shoulder was fine so that says something right there. I have taken 2 weeks off about 2 weeks ago and that is t elongest I have taken off at once in over a year. 2 other times I have taken a week off.

    What is your surgery? the same?
    Last edited by guest589745; 10-22-2006 at 02:44 PM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    cycle looks good but someone like Doc Sus will probably know better for rehab training. Good luck with your op mate, keep us posted on your progress.

  9. #9
    Well tomorrows the surgery. Lets hope for the best.........

    Vitor, where you at? Good luck with yours if you read this.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Las Vegas
    Way, way over-complicated IMO. Why do people insist on coming up with the complex, over-thought routines. Stick to what works, getting fancy takes you away from your focus.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    good luck skull mate.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Triple X
    Way, way over-complicated IMO. Why do people insist on coming up with the complex, over-thought routines. Stick to what works, getting fancy takes you away from your focus.

    So then why not spread your knowledge ? Be more specific in what you think "works" please.

    It seems overly complicated but I am just being thorough.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by perfectbeast2001
    good luck skull mate.

    Thanks, loookin big in yer avy man.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Las Vegas
    Quote Originally Posted by Skullsmasher
    So then why not spread your knowledge ? Be more specific in what you think "works" please.

    It seems overly complicated but I am just being thorough.
    My point is that you are putting way too much thought into your routine. Look how simple the HIT routine is and it is probably one of the best, most effective programs out there........unless you are juicing.

    The HIT program works very well. Keeps to the basic mass builders while allowing plenty of rest and hitting each muscle twice in 9 days. Do it and you should start seeing some pretty good gains. Yeah, you may lose some definition on this program but it is getting to be winter time so who cares.

    The main thing on the HIT program is to fight the urge to do auxiliary exercises. Beef up for a few months and then go into a different cutting split.
    I was stuck and in a rut before I started the HIT training method. I added some size, a ton of strength and about 20 pounds. I'm trying to get to about 250 and then cut to about 220.

  15. #15
    HIT, mentzer was all about that right?

  16. #16
    Yep.. as well as DY and many other Great BB'ers.

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