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Thread: Chest & Triceps - Help For Tonight

  1. #1

    Chest & Triceps - Help For Tonight

    Heading to the gym in 3 hours, for my chest and tri's workout. Need your help before I go.

    Planning on doing as follows;

    Lying tricep extension 3 x 8
    Dips 4 x 8
    Tricep pushdowns 4 x 10

    Bench press 4 x 8
    Standing cable crossover 4 x 8
    ??? What else should I stick in for chest ???


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by IronZionLion
    Heading to the gym in 3 hours, for my chest and tri's workout. Need your help before I go.

    Planning on doing as follows;

    Lying tricep extension 3 x 8
    Dips 4 x 8
    Tricep pushdowns 4 x 10

    Bench press 4 x 8
    Standing cable crossover 4 x 8
    ??? What else should I stick in for chest ???

    Do chest first
    Bench press 4 x 8
    Standing cable crossover 4 x 8
    Decline DB flys 4x8

    Lying tricep extension 4 x 8
    Tricep pushdowns 3 x 10
    Dips 4 x 8
    *Do dips last.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    new york city
    Yeah....the DB flys are a real good excersize after goin heavy on the benchpress. Infact i would do the db flys before the cables...and then use the cables till failure. My 2 cents :P

  4. #4
    Ok sounds good.

    Will write it into my journal now.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    In the gym
    Chest first. Work the larger muscle groups first. In all of your chest exercises your triceps are being worked indirectly.

    For tris I would only do 2 exercises for this. Keep the number of sets and reps rather low. I go with dips and skulls personally.

    Now I have a slightly diffrent opinion with what DSM says about doing dips last. I would personally make this my first tricep exercise and go heavy for 8-12 reps for 3 sets. DSM if you read this why would you personally do the dips last? I feel that dips would be the absolute perfect segway from chest to tris.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Sir Lifts-a-lot
    Chest first. Work the larger muscle groups first. In all of your chest exercises your triceps are being worked indirectly.

    For tris I would only do 2 exercises for this. Keep the number of sets and reps rather low. I go with dips and skulls personally.

    Now I have a slightly diffrent opinion with what DSM says about doing dips last. I would personally make this my first tricep exercise and go heavy for 8-12 reps for 3 sets. DSM if you read this why would you personally do the dips last? I feel that dips would be the absolute perfect segway from chest to tris.
    Because i kill my tricepts with the first 2-3 movements that i do . Then when it comes to dips my tri's are so warn out that i just do BW dips and it feels great.

  7. #7
    l2elapse's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life
    Because i kill my tricepts with the first 2-3 movements that i do . Then when it comes to dips my tri's are so warn out that i just do BW dips and it feels great.
    i agree, dips are absolutely devasting to the tris and if you did chest then went and did dips first your last tri exercise would be futile

  8. #8
    Thanks guy's.

    Workout went well - couldn't do any dips when it came to it, just couldn't lift myself once, ha ha.

    Could barely shake up my protein drink when I got home!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    next time try assisted dips using a machine, or if your gym doesnt have a machine do them on the side of a bench. keep at it until you can do full dips on your own after your chest workout. i think they are a very valuable exercise to add strength to your bench and size to your tris, and the perfect way to close out a chest day.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by IronZionLion
    Thanks guy's.

    Workout went well - couldn't do any dips when it came to it, just couldn't lift myself once, ha ha.

    Could barely shake up my protein drink when I got home!
    Again this is why i do dips last. Dips aren't that hard to do but after you abused them in your workout and then jump on the dip do-hicky and bang some out its a entirely different story. Keep at it and use the dips at the end each time. Even if you can only do say 5 with your BW . Next week shoot for 6-7 etc and work your way up. I know for me dips just feel good at the end of my tri workout, goodluck.

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