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  1. #1
    neardark's Avatar
    neardark is offline Junior Member
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    Oct 2006

    Need help on my program

    Hi guys,

    I used to workout alot during 5 years..... 10 years ago.

    I'm back in the gyms (last month) and I made my program 'cause I dont feel that the guys over there are able to help me making a decent program.

    Last month I has a decent lost of 5% bf and made a 5 pound gain.

    BTW i'm 34, 5'10 175 pounds 19%BF. I take "Super Amino acids"(48cal, 12gProt) Creatine(4800mgMonohydrateCreatine) and Whey(287cal, 60gProt, 3fat, 5carbo), fish oil, regular multi-vitamins (buying animalPack next week though).

    My wife is out for 3 weeks and I want to increase those gains (while she's out) or not F-Up what i'm doing so far 'cause i'm quiting smoking.

    My consurning, right now is to take advantage of the fact that i'm quiting smoking by bulking instead of taking some fat.

    I started normally: All exercises 3sets of 8reps

    Monday: Chest/Bi

    Alternate curls
    Incline db press
    Alternate Hammercurls
    Incline butterfly
    Concentrated curls
    Cable crossovers

    Tuesday: 1 hour stepmaster 120-140 bpm

    Wed: Lats/tri

    triceps Cable pushdown
    Cable rowing
    Dips (full bodyweight 3x8)
    Lats pull down
    One arm extension (siting position, behind the neck)
    One arm rowing
    One arm kickback

    Thursd: 1 hour stepmaster 120-140 bpm

    Friday: Should/legs

    Militairy press
    Cable latteral raise
    leg curls
    leg extention

    I'm doing my crunches every 2 days 3x40

    People have told me to raise my reps up to 10

    Some others would tell me to do 4x5 for the bench....

    Its a pain because i've learned in the pass that doing small reps would increase hyppertrophy.... but now i've been told that in only increases the strengh not the muscle gains ... that I need to do 10 reps...

    True though that at 19.3% of BF, and quiting smoking, i'm consurned on Not getting over 20%.

    I'm keeping my diet at 3000 calories with around 45% prot, 40carbs and 15% fat.

    I know that everyone is trying to lose fat and gaining mass. But I think that i'm not that far from having a solid routine now.

    Is there any sups that could help too?

    Thank for responding
    Last edited by neardark; 10-31-2006 at 06:30 PM.

  2. #2
    notorious_mem's Avatar
    notorious_mem is offline Senior Member
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    i personally switch my reps up every week,i feel it shocks them and i dont stuck in a rut.

  3. #3
    Tein is offline Junior Member
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    Oct 2006
    As far as your routine I think it looks pretty decent actually. I would take the chin ups out of your shoulder/leg day and do them in your back/tri day. I would also suggest adding an extra set so its 4x8, try it and see how your muscles repsond. Focus on your diet as well, that will be most important in your goal to keep off fat.

  4. #4
    neardark's Avatar
    neardark is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Thanks guys for taking the time to read and answer... It is appreciated

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