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Mate! I had this exact problem a year back, and was doing pretty much same as you at the time.
Then I started training with pro body builder from Japan and did his routine which he promised would get me the results I wanted.
It did!
Here it is.
Wide Grip pull up - this is better then lat pulldown machine and overtime will make you stronger.
Use a wide grip and do this exercise slow, really feel the stretch at the moment of the movement.
do 3 sets of as many as you can.
Then move on to one arm row like you have been doing, dont need crazy heavy weight on this, strict and steady is the way to go.
Again feel the stretch at the bottom.
Then move over to the low cable row, but dont use close grip as this will hit your middle back muscles.
Instead take a straight bar and using a wide grip do the rowing movement with this.
Really stretch your lats on this one , slow and feel them work I superset this exercise with close grip lat pulldowns, as Ive used two exercises for outter lates so need one for lower lats.
Give it a go, put ur mind in ur lats! feel them work! Feel the burn!