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Thread: Getting massive lats

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Getting massive lats

    Hi guys,

    Right now i'm doing

    Cable row (close grip)
    Pull down
    One arm rowing

    I dont think that it suits me because I dont feel the Latts when i'm doing pulldowns .... but my biceps work like hell

    Same for the one arm rowing.... any tricks or any exercise so that I can pump those lats like hell?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by neardark
    Hi guys,

    Right now i'm doing

    Cable row (close grip)
    Pull down
    One arm rowing

    I dont think that it suits me because I dont feel the Latts when i'm doing pulldowns .... but my biceps work like hell

    Same for the one arm rowing.... any tricks or any exercise so that I can pump those lats like hell?
    Mate! I had this exact problem a year back, and was doing pretty much same as you at the time.
    Then I started training with pro body builder from Japan and did his routine which he promised would get me the results I wanted.
    It did!
    Here it is.
    Wide Grip pull up - this is better then lat pulldown machine and overtime will make you stronger.
    Use a wide grip and do this exercise slow, really feel the stretch at the moment of the movement.
    do 3 sets of as many as you can.
    Then move on to one arm row like you have been doing, dont need crazy heavy weight on this, strict and steady is the way to go.
    Again feel the stretch at the bottom.
    Then move over to the low cable row, but dont use close grip as this will hit your middle back muscles.
    Instead take a straight bar and using a wide grip do the rowing movement with this.
    Really stretch your lats on this one , slow and feel them work I superset this exercise with close grip lat pulldowns, as Ive used two exercises for outter lates so need one for lower lats.
    Give it a go, put ur mind in ur lats! feel them work! Feel the burn!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    sounds like good advice there. I have problems getting width on my back too. If you are feeling biceps then try using straps for your back excercises and really concentrate on pullling with your back muscles rather than your arms.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    pull ups have worked great for me as well as chins

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    thaks alot guys... i've actually did what you think and It does change the whole thing

    Thanks again


  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2006
    If you can, try close-grip weighted pull-ups with your palms facing each other. Make sure you hang for a second on the bottom of the movement to get the stretch. I do 4-5 sets of these, followed up by 3 sets of heavy dumbell pullovers then finish off with 2 sets of close-grip (palms facing each other again, use seated cable row handle) cable pulldowns. This has worked wonders for my lats.

  7. #7
    Give Rack Chins a try - from Dante over at intense muscle in the Dogg Pound...

    Just a lil help for anyone doing this

    how i do them-
    a)widest grip possible
    b)set the bar at a point where at your full hang your hips are well below your feet--that doesnt mean having your ass hit the ground.
    c)put your feet up on a flat bench and cross them at the ankles so you dont have any urge to use your hamstrings or legs to help you get up (some people have low flat benches in their gym, my flat benches have always been pretty high)--as long as at the top of your pull (chin over bar) your hips are even or lower than your feet you should be good to go
    d)keep your knees slightly bent thruout most of the exercise except (read below)
    e)at your dead hang straighten your (crossovered) legs, arch your back and pull up to the chin bar (why legs straightened? So you cant bend them and help yourself up with your hamstrings or turn it into a upside down bent over row)---so knowing this make sure you have the bench placed at the proper distance away from you---we dont want an upside down bent over row as stated
    f)on your descent, put the slight bend back in your legs, flatten your back and most importantly flare your lats out all the way to the very bottom--(trying to get a very big stretch before you straighten your legs, arch your back and pull up to the chin bar again)---if your sitting at your computer right now--do a front double bicep--then move your elbows slightly forward and try to flare/push your lats out as far as you can--see that? thats what its supposed to feel like on the way down
    f)use wrist straps
    g)when your partner puts weight in your lap--a fixed barbell (like most gyms have for curling) placed evenly weightwise across the pelvic bend works best in my opinion

    See thread http://www.************************


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Las Vegas
    do bent over BB rows with an underhand grip or do bent over 1 arm DB rows.

  9. #9
    number twelve's Avatar
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    weighted chins. and practice trying to flex your lats, itll help you built the mind/muscle connection with them that will prevent you from using your bi's when you do pulling movements.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Pride Fighting nuthugger
    Any benefits on the gravitron pull up machine.

    I really like doing thoses.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by sonar1234
    Any benefits on the gravitron pull up machine.

    I really like doing thoses.
    Funny you mention that... i'm going my pull-ups with that machine wide and close grip... I love it cause since i'm using it, i'm using less my biceps and I can finally concentrate on my lats. I'm feeling a good pump.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by BigHuman
    Mate! I had this exact problem a year back, and was doing pretty much same as you at the time.
    Then I started training with pro body builder from Japan and did his routine which he promised would get me the results I wanted.
    It did!
    Here it is.
    Wide Grip pull up - this is better then lat pulldown machine and overtime will make you stronger.
    Use a wide grip and do this exercise slow, really feel the stretch at the moment of the movement.
    do 3 sets of as many as you can.
    Then move on to one arm row like you have been doing, dont need crazy heavy weight on this, strict and steady is the way to go.
    Again feel the stretch at the bottom.
    Then move over to the low cable row, but dont use close grip as this will hit your middle back muscles.
    Instead take a straight bar and using a wide grip do the rowing movement with this.
    Really stretch your lats on this one , slow and feel them work I superset this exercise with close grip lat pulldowns, as Ive used two exercises for outter lates so need one for lower lats.
    Give it a go, put ur mind in ur lats! feel them work! Feel the burn!

    i also have huge problems with width in my lats, def gonna give this a go. thanks for sharing it with us.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    when u say wide grip pull up, do you mean overhand, or underhand?

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    a pull up is over hand

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by DemonInside
    a pull up is over hand

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    the gym
    Lat's suck? Help has arrived!!! Getting huge lats is so simple it's commonly overlooked. The secret is to do the 2 exercises that are demanding and nobody likes, deadlifts and wide grip pullups. Scratch the cable rows and lat pulldowns for awhile. The lat pulldowns are for pussies, and anybody who tells you they are better than wide grip pull ups is either dumb or too lazy to do them. And believe it or not, deadlifts too. Your body naturally grows in proportion with itself, it's rare that your arms will grow 2 inches but your legs or chest wont, etc etc. In theory, if your doing heavy deadlifts and your traps, medial and lower back are growing, dont you think it will send a signal to the rest of your body, including lats, to catch up? Barbell rows are good too, you stick to barbell rows, deads, and pull ups and you'll get results.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    The thing about deads confuses me. I usually do stiff legged or Romanian deads,, How do u do ones for back,, like a normal dead and just emphasize the pulling portion?

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