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Thread: Anybody do rep contests w/ their lifting buddy?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    the gym

    Anybody do rep contests w/ their lifting buddy?

    Boy, I tell you, just when you think your giving it do a rep contest w/ your buddy and you may find out how bad you've actually been sandbagging it when you think your giving it your all. Tonight was nuts, we worked some shoulders and traps 2gether, we started getting into this little game on shrugs. The game was when one guy did his set the other would have to do 2 more reps, then the next guy had to do 2 more, and it kept going until somebody forfeited or fell short. Anyways, it started out at 15 reps on shrugs w/ 125 lb db's. By the end of the contest I had completed 34 reps w/ the 125's, my ****ing traps are shot!!! And I thought 15 reps was 100%, sheesh. We are picking one exercise every training session and competing for reps, it's a fun way to get strong, however brutal at times. Anybody else ever do shit like this?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    I've never tried it.... could be a fun test though.

    My only question though, will it be your last exercise everytime? I wonder if it was't would you slack on your other excercises because ur tired.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    the gym
    Quote Originally Posted by pepperoni
    I've never tried it.... could be a fun test though.

    My only question though, will it be your last exercise everytime? I wonder if it was't would you slack on your other excercises because ur tired.

    Nope, we just pick a random exercise, it might be at the beginning or at the end of the workout, doesnt matter

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