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Thread: doing back 2nd time this week..

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Strong Island, NY

    doing back 2nd time this week..

    this week I want to try back twice, instead the 2nd time going light....if I were to do a light back work out of 12 sets and wanted to train biceps after, how many sets would be sufficiant for bi's? I was thinking 3 sets ez bar curl, 3 sets dumbell preacher, and 3 sets alternating curls...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    syosset, longisland NY
    in my opinion thats over training esspecially for back, it gets blasted and needs a while to recover but to each his own i guess?....go for it and see what for 9 sets of bi's after a second backworkout for the week i would say that is to much also because i only do 4 sets of bi's after back and its been working great on my arms...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Strong Island, NY
    Quote Originally Posted by yodaddy
    in my opinion thats over training esspecially for back, it gets blasted and needs a while to recover but to each his own i guess?....go for it and see what for 9 sets of bi's after a second backworkout for the week i would say that is to much also because i only do 4 sets of bi's after back and its been working great on my arms...
    what are those 4 sets of bi's? 2 sets of something and 2 sets of something else or just 4 of the same thing?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    syosset, longisland NY
    i do 2 sets of standing db curls and 2 sets of standing hammer curls, or just 4 sets of heavy easy bar curls.....i kno you wana do more because i used to also but i finally made myself do less to see what results i would get and i was very pleased.....

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Back in from the Cold
    Quote Originally Posted by Venum
    this week I want to try back twice, instead the 2nd time going light....if I were to do a light back work out of 12 sets and wanted to train biceps after, how many sets would be sufficiant for bi's? I was thinking 3 sets ez bar curl, 3 sets dumbell preacher, and 3 sets alternating curls...

    Better top throughly trash it once a week and give six days for growth and recovery than patsying around twice a week.

    Nine sets for bi's could be enough.

    Every workout question boils down to weight, number of reps, intensity and form.

    If you do 3 sets ez bar curl, 3 sets dumbell preacher, and 3 sets alternating curls with the proper weight (for you), intensity and form, You will get results until your body gets used to it, then you will have to do something else.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    What does your routine look like for this day bro?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Strong Island, NY
    my back routine?

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