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  1. #1
    tard_zone is offline Associate Member
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    Wide Grip Pull Downs?

    If I had a choice between wide grip pull ups and wide grip pull downs, I'd much rather do the wide grip pull ups. If I am already doing wide grip pull ups with weights on my belt, doing wide grip pull downs seem unneccessary because they are both the same movement, except the pulldowns are much easier (machine). Are pull downs and pull ups needed in the same workout? Are wide grip pull downs needed at all?

  2. #2
    DSM4Life's Avatar
    DSM4Life is offline Snook~ AR Lounge Monitor
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    Quote Originally Posted by tard_zone
    If I had a choice between wide grip pull ups and wide grip pull downs, I'd much rather do the wide grip pull ups. If I am already doing wide grip pull ups with weights on my belt, doing wide grip pull downs seem unneccessary because they are both the same movement, except the pulldowns are much easier (machine). Are pull downs and pull ups needed in the same workout? Are wide grip pull downs needed at all?
    Its still good to change it up. Some days do pullups then others pull downs or both.

  3. #3
    humungus88's Avatar
    humungus88 is offline Associate Member
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    I say no, but I like to do the wide grip pull downs as the last ex. in my back workout, simpley because I weigh about 240. So I can only do about 4 sets of WG pull-ups untill I hit failure, but I can tell that I still have some ummph left in my upper lats, so I finish destroying them on the machine. But that is a good question, and depends how well you know your own body. You know?

  4. #4
    -DedicateD-'s Avatar
    -DedicateD- is offline Member
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    I wouldnt repeat a movement like that

    A way i used to approach it was have a workout A and a workout B

    on A days i would do close grip pullups and wide grip pulldowns in the same workout

    B days would have wide grip pullups and close grip pulldowns

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